Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This is all I can show you!

I know you are going to be disappointed, but this is all I can show you today!

Todays Pickins

What, you say? Tomatoes? I know you're saying, hey babe, this is a sewing site......we're here to learn stuff and see new things......why are you showing us those dumb tomatoes? Well, actually, I have been really busy, I mean really busy, but I can't show you anything. I made an angel quilt for the doll swap (hopefully, the last one) but this was for a special person and since I found out that she needed one before the swap deadline, I thought I'd make one especially for her. If I post it, she might know it's for her and the surprise will be over.

Then, I made 24 teeny tiny 3.5 inch Halloween minis for that swap, but since the sign-ups aren't even over yet, I can't show you those either. So, besides the 12 quarts of pickles that I put up two weeks ago (and you never know, pictures of those might be forthcoming yet), you'll have to settle for the picture of my daily pickings of tomatoes. I sure wish I could share them. I'm almost "tomatoed out".


  1. I need to send my kids to you, because they eat tomatoes like they are candy. Literally, I can put a plate of tomatoes out and they will be gone in 5 minutes. They fight over going and picking them to eat at our house. It is fine with me that you don't post sewing because it just reminds me that I have to finish my doll quilt.... have to finish that bad boy and the worst part is that I cannot find the email that has my partner's address. I already emailed my mamma and hopefully they will send me a response soon ;) Ah.. that feels better... telling some one..

  2. Wow! I am jealous! We LOVE tomatoes in our house, too. Sadly, growing them is not a talent I have. I enjoyed "The Early Years" quilt and story. You are mighty talented in LOTS of areas!

  3. I wish you could share them, too! They look so good. I tell ya, there is nothing like a fresh picked tomato - edible sunshine I say! Oh, yeah, I can't wait to see this latest angel quilt - I'm sure it will spectacular! as will all your little Halloween blocks!

  4. Your tomatoes look delicious! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Yummo! Next year I'm doing grape ones like YOU did instead of the cherry ones.

    Pretty photo!

  6. I don't know when you have time to grow your tomatoes, but I suppose you need a break from sewing sometime, they look almost as good as your quilts..

  7. We're almost tomatoed out here too - who knew that two little cherry tomato plants could produce a colander full of tomatoes every day???

  8. You can show me tomatoes! I love tomatoes! I have a tomato story: The year Aaron was born we (his father and I) tried our hand at gardening. We planted a bunch of tomato plants that I had grown from seed. We pruned them like Martha Stewart (although my husband at the time was VERY upset about the pitiful looking tomato plants). Well our hard work paid off we had over 200 big tomatoes like in your basket up there. He had to give a bunch away. I wasn't around to see the harvest(had given birth far away and was staying with baby). He did bring me 1 tomato of the whole bunch. I can't smell a tomatoe plant without thinking of that story. I just love the greenery smell of the leaves and vines. Not much of a story but I thought I'd share. :) I owe you an email soon!

  9. They look delicious!! Don't worry about no sewing today - shake it up a bit and have fun with your blog. I love seeing what is going on in my friend's lives far, far away.

  10. i love tomatoes! and i'm not tomatoed out. wish you could send them to me : )


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