Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We have our Winners!

Do you see your name? E-gads, this wasn't easy giving away 9 things. Hubby and son were worthless.......I finally threw all the names in a bowl and picked, but then if someone wanted something that had already been decided, their name got eliminated. Not too fair, but I was perplexed on how to do this any other way. It's not like I give stuff away every day, you know! I hope you all are okay with this. Now to contact the winners and get their addresses and mail everything out. I just got back from Target with a whole mess of new mailing envelopes. I hope I get everything straight.......keep your fingers crossed. I'm pretty good at sewing, but sometimes everything else is beyond me!! LOL


  1. Hurray hurray hurray hurray hurray - I have a mamacjt pincushion!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you XXX

  2. Wahoo! I am so excited!! Thank you, thank you. That's two winging their way to a tiny village in the Peak District. Lynne and I are so lucky!

  3. Yay!!! And what a cute way to show the winners. :-) Thanks again!

  4. Holy MOLY! Is that MY name on the quilt? It looks like it to me! In case it is, let me just say this-

    WOOT! I won the quilt! Thank you so much, Carol-most-extraordinary!!!!
    I am soooo excited! I love this quilt.

    (Just in case it's not my name, forgive me for making a fool of myself, I'll just go eat some worms.) lol

    It's me, though, isn't it, it's me! I'm thrilled!

    Thank you, sweet lady! You are so generous! I'm going to go stand by the mailbox right now.

  5. I couldn't believe my eyes, my name was there. Thankyou so much.

  6. Oh dear I did not see my name, but it was good taking part. I am sure your pincushions will go to very loving homes. Thanks for the opportunity.

  7. Oh Wow, I'm so chuffed! This is my first ever blog giveaway win and the cherry on top is, it's from you. Thank you soo much.
    PS: Lynne and Mandy, this one is headed for Yorkshire.

  8. What a fun way to tell the winners, Carol!!! Very cute idea & I think you are most generous!
    I know they'll ALL be thrilled with their treasures. You always do such beautiful work.

  9. what a task you had! Congratulations to all you winners - having a little piece of Carol's work is a real treat!

  10. *jumping up and down with joy*
    I am so excited to have something so adorable that you have made, Carol!! And that Hugs and Kisses pincushion is just toooo cute! Thank you soooo much. I am so happy and grateful! :)

  11. Lucky girls!!!! Sooz, you scored big time girl (I am sure it's you...I tried, I squinted, I turned my head around and around, but there's no way I can make that label say Krista or poppyprint!). I concede.

  12. OH MY GOODNESS! I am so excited! ThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYou!!!!

  13. Lucky winners! I'm green with envy!

  14. I use mine almost EVERY.SINGLE.DAY and think of you all the time. I LOVE mine.


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!