Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What should I show you today?

Wanna see another mug rug? I did one yesterday.....and I'm pretty sure it'll be going to my sister-in-law for her birthday. She's a tea/latte (did I spell that right????) and loves big mugs. I love match-matchy stuff, so naturally I had to try to match the mug as well as I could even though you can't see it so good on the first pic:

Pretty Rug/Happy Mug

Let's see if this helps:

Birthday Mug & Rug

Looks good, huh? Hey, what wouldn't look good with one of my famous monster cookies??? One of these days, I might have to cave and give you the recipe. LOL Everyone LOVES them!!! BUT, back to sewing........

About 2 weeks ago, I discovered (being the angel doll swap mama and all) that we would need an angel quilt for a very special lady. Her partner was unable to fulfill her obligations and was kind enough to let us know ahead of time, which was wonderful. After thinking about it for probably 45 minutes, I knew I couldn't send her one of the ones I already had finished, but had to make one especially for her. Call it a challenge! I wanted to depict her in fabric. I studied her flickr stream, discovered what she liked, and hoped that I had my bases covered. You tell me! Think it looks like her?

"Birdy Sings for Me"


She touched my heart when she said she had to get herself a red with polka dotted coffee mug and it'd be perfect! How cool is that?


  1. I love both of them!!!

    ...and those cookies look scrumptious!

  2. I definitely think she deserved her own special quilt and I think it was wonderful that you made it. This is such a sweet and thoughtful quilt. You are very kind (and talented too!).

  3. They are both lovely. I tried to join the mug rug swap but was just a little to late, might be something to do with time zones, never mind, will try again.

  4. I've already gushed about your amazing talents all over Flickr, so give up the monster cookie recipe, already! hehe, I mean, please Carol, would you be kind enough to share your wonderful cookie recipe so that my kids will love you just as much as I do?

  5. This turned out to be sooooo cool, Carol. I know she had to be thrilled to receive such a thoughtful gift.

    ♥ the mug rug with the monster cookie on it, too! ;-) Yummo on BOTH!


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