Thursday, October 14, 2010

I don't know about this.....

Last week when I went to my LQS, the owner and I got to talking and she directed me to a groupings of fabric that I could see that she was crazy about. (Me......not so much!!) This was after I had told her that I had a new Christmas tree skirt pattern in my head for 2011. Once I got a real peek at those fabrics, I knew my idea would never work for them, but that I might have to do something differently in order to use them. You see, Julie puts up a white pencil tree in the shop with these wild, crazy metal type do-dad things in hot pink, orange, lime green and turquoise and you can guess the colors of the fabric. Now, don't get me wrong......I've been thinking about that tree all year just for it's whimsy and fun factor, but no way did I think I'd be designing a pattern for it. I thought maybe someday I'd be nice and just make a skirt for the tree, but I was advised that they could "never have something in the shop that they can't sell". Poop! That kind of puts my new idea into 2012 I guess, since I'll do this one for 2011.

Funky WIP

I'm almost I do the binding and then I'll show you. Until then, I'm wondering how it might look in normal Christmas colors. Actually, right now, it'd make a great New Year's skirt, don't you think???


  1. What? Those look like normal Christmas colors to me. I love colors! I do know what you mean by working outside your comfort zone. I think it will look awesome in 'normal' Christmas tones also.

  2. Oh Carol - I love the colours already! I love the bright colours so can't wait to see the revealing. And the idea of a multi-use tree skirt/New Years could be onto something there!!!!Ciao


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