Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I'm in a holiday mood, I guess.

I don't even have my Christmas fabric upstairs yet, but still I have been thinking, dreaming, and making Christmas stuff. First, on Sunday (after I finished my 12th batch of cookies for the freezer), I made this cute little guy.

Mug Rug for a Dear Friend

I found him in the Target flyer and knew he had to be transformed into fabric for my two "dear" friends who I was meeting with on Monday. The red collar is really red ribbon, so it is shiny and looks really neat next to the solids.

Then, today I made this:

Holiday Mug Rug

This might be for the latest mug rug swap. I joined it again and have a partner who really doesn't care what kind of mug rug I make for her. (Doesn't give me a lot to go on, but then again, it's kind of neat for my weird creativity too.) I have three weeks before I have to send one out, so who knows what else I'll think of by then. Right now I have a few doll size quilts that need to "come out" of my head so I might just do them first. I'm also dying to make another crayon quilt. Those are sooooo much fun! Stay tuned........who knows what'll I'll show you next. (Maybe even all those cookies in the freezer. LOL)


  1. These are so adorable! Love the trees and their cute ornaments. I was just using my Hugs and Kisses pincushion and thinking how much I enjoy using it! Your work is so fun!

  2. Awww...that deer is just too darned cute and I love that stripy binding on the Christmas tree one! Then again, I adore all of your projects. :)

  3. They are both adorable! Hey Carol, I'm in America and just won $55 on a quarter slot machine, woohoo! Vegas, baby! Hopefully I can find a Target tomorrow and do some fun shopping - Prada is not in my budget.

  4. Those are so cute! Your projects are very inspiring. I love them all.

  5. What great little Christmas projects...they're all lovely!

  6. you do some amazing things! I so love reading your blog! thank you for sharing.


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!