Monday, November 22, 2010

Missing....2 turtle doves!

I know you are asking yourself, what is this crazy woman talking about now? Poor dear goes from one thing to the next with no rhyme or reason.......and you're right!!! But, my friends, do you remember this guy:

A Peacock in a Pear Tree

Ah-ha, now you know what I'm up to, I bet. Seems that I'm not such a hot shot drawer of turtles and need to work on that for a bit yet (thus the missing doves), BUT........(drum roll please........), I did finish 3 french hens so I thought I'd show them to you. (Incidentally, 4 Calling Birds are in the works and my brain is developing "however many geese a layin'" as I write this. (I always check the song to make sure that I'm pretty close to the original, mind you.) Seems my 12 days of Christmas will really be off numerically. LOL Oh well!!! Anyway, here are the 3 French Hens:

3 French Hens

(The top one is supposed to be a french maid. Apparently, I'm not too "up" on my maid costumes!!) I do like the bows in the back though. :D And a close up:


Check out all those buttons!!! And I want you to know that I sewed them ALL on by hand too!

I hope that you all are proceeding with your colored mandalas from the last post. I finished another one this morning, but can't even take pics to show you since it's raining like crazy here. Hey, it could be worse! It could be snow.....ugh! Hope you have a fun week.

Now...back to my hens, geese, turkey, etc!


  1. I find your work to be so much fun and inspiring! You have a great style to your drawing... keep going you have many more "days" :)

  2. They are adorable, and I bet your turtle's are just as cute. I can't imagine anything but great from you. Too much posted on your blog to argue that point!! :-) Keep us entertained and inspired, that's what I love about your blog!

  3. Sooo stinkin' cute!!!! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh my gosh!! you are amazing, they are amazing. Keep up the great work..

  5. Super cute. So colorful and playful. Love it.

  6. ohhh sooo cute! Can't wait to see the rest!

  7. Oh turtles yet? LOL!

    I just adore your designs. I love the whimsy and creativity in each one!

    What are you going to do with the set once you complete them? Do you have a special place to display them?

  8. Carol:
    These panels (and your artwork) are just adorable! Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. I love how whimsical these panels are. So cute!

  10. I LOVE tell me you will keep them all..all 12 days
    but if you don't I want them ....ALL>.. but that is highly I will enjoy them here lol

  11. O.k., these are too cute! They would make a wonderful holiday wall display laid out as a set. Oooh, with some of that snow white sparkly garland around them too!

  12. Utterly charming! You have the most vivid imagination!

  13. seriously think you need two turtles fighting over some Dove chocolate :)

    You are awesome!

  14. Wow - amazing and so cute, love them!

  15. I just found your blog. The blocks are great, they are adorable.

  16. I love these! Do you sell your patterns? i would love to get these (and the rest when you design them)


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!