Friday, December 17, 2010

Two Turtle Doves

You knew I wouldn't let you down, didn't you?  How could I possibly forget about the 2 Turtle Doves?  After all, they were almost in the middle of the pack.  I must admit though that you will have to wait until next year for the additional 7 days of Christmas.  I'm sorry!  No way do I have time anymore this year to finish the set....BUT, you'll be happy to know that some of the remaining images are in my brain, and it's only a matter of time until I transfer them to paper.

Without further ado may I present 2 Turtle Doves:

And, naturally, I always show them to you in process.  Again, I used the crayon and trapunto method of quilting since the four others were done with the same method.  (Besides, it goes faster...LOL)

Don't tell anybody, but I had to do a search on turtles because I was clueless on how to draw them....duh!  I guess birds are much easier for me...........

And the finished quilt.  (Not very big at only 11 by 11 inches.....but cute, I think, none the less!)

Two Turtle Doves

You need to see how in love these two are:


That poor boy dove doesn't know what "hit " him!  LOL  Until next year....I hope you enjoyed the Peacock in the Pear Tree, Two Turtle Doves, 3 French Hens, 4 Calling Birds (my personal favorite so far) and 5 Golden Rings.  Just wait until you see what I have planned for 6 Geese A'Layin"!!


  1. They've been worth the wait. They're totally adorable... and your turtles are the cutest little things.

  2. Welll I am not sure I understand..there are still a few days left to the new only have 7 more to go lol... Truly, you are one artist that brings me smiles time and time again..and you are right...I feel the love...great piece....You should take a pic of all that you have done together in one the new year..I can wait till

  3. Merry Christmas!! Your art makes me smile ear to ear. God only knows what 6 geese a-layin looks like in YOUR brain ~lol~~
    xx, The other Carol

  4. What a creative mind you have! I just love these, all of them! They are too cute for words. Can't wait to see what comes next

  5. I'm out of my chair at my computer, giving you a standing ovation - BRAVO! BRAVO! They are WONderful! I'm wishing you'd turn all these into patterns when you're done, because I would most definitely buy them! They are a joy to look at!

  6. Too cute! Again! I can't wait for the 6 Geese a Laying! You always make me smile.

  7. Great TURTLE doves !

    I've enjoyed all of your work this year, and have just had another look backwards over your blog. I can't seem to remember the "five golden rings".....didn't see it there either. Have I missed it somehow?

  8. Hahahaha!! Love the expressions on the turtles!

  9. I just love your turtle/doves. It is so cute and made me smile. Thanks for sharing them.

  10. Wow, there are no words to express... Great...

  11. Send paper towels...I just spew Diet Pepsi all over myself when I saw the 2 Turtle Doves. I would love to be your next door neighbor. You would keep me in a variety of ways.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  12. *jaw drops*

    Look at those wonderful turtles!!! Adorable!! Of course the doves are just as sweet, i'm just a sucker for turtles. :)

    Merry Christmas!!

  13. Gorgeous!
    I've just found you on Stashmanicure and I've come over to follow you!

  14. How adorable! I love the movement created by the quilting! Also the tiny knots details!

  15. what wonderful whimsical quilts - what kind of crayons do you use - if I understand this right you color onto the fabric?

  16. Saw you on Stash Manicure. I'm a follower there and here too. I've been trying to figure something out. Do you quilt the background first before you add your fused fabric?

  17. I met you over at SM and am absolutely in love with your work. The whimsy in your pices is fabulous and I am so thrilled to have found you to follow.

  18. I just found you! I love your style and your quilts and drawings. You have so much personality and fun. Thanks I will be back often. Happy Holidays.

  19. Your creations always make me smile, even when I feel melancholic - as I do more and more before this year´s x-mas.

    Thanks for cheering me up every time!
    Turtle-doves! LOL!

    A very merry x-mas!


  20. Your work makes me laugh out loud. Full of joy and enthusiasm and fun! Picked you up from Madame Samm and am looking forward to reading you! Thanks for sharing all that attitude!

  21. I'm so glad that I've found your blog! Your quilts are so bright and beautiful and cheery! They make me happy!!!! I have to now read back to the beginning, and see HOW DO YOU DO IT?? They are wonderful!

  22. Oh my Gosh, You are certainly talented and so creative. I have just popped over from Madame Samm's and so glad that I did, I can't wait to see what else you going to create.
    Merry Christmas.

  23. Love your work! I've been a contact over on flickr for a bit, but I have decided to start following your blog, too. You are an incredible artist. :)

  24. your quilts are are so creative...

  25. Варез - качай всё бесплатно.

  26. I discovered you on Stash Manicure and felt so connected! I recently started quilting, knit crochet, bead, smock... and I finally have my first grandchild. My 38 yo son finally presented me with a granddaughter this summer.

  27. Againnnn I love your use of color and imagination! you are obviously overflowing with both! Great job!

  28. What fun it must be to be you and be so creative!!


  29. Just discovered your blog from Stash Manicure - it is brilliant! Love your quilts and ideas. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful holiday - and you have another regular reader. Piece....

  30. very nice!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Amy

  31. I love your blog and check it all the time. I never post, but I love your art and envy your talent. I checked every day this week for 5 gold rings, but didnt see it. You HAVE to post the picture...I am dying over here to see what it looks like! Merry Christmas!!

  32. gah! those turtles are too darn cute


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!