Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sometimes , it's just the little things....

I think this is the first time in forever that I have gone 5 days without sewing a stitch.  (Not that I don't have obligations, you understand......it's just that, for some reason, my heart isn't "in" it!)  I'm hoping that I can change that today.  I think I am going to write a pattern for "Confetti Squares" for a lap sized quilt. Just wait until my graphic designer gets wind of that.  He still hasn't finished "Color Play".  (Although I did get a preview of a possible cover which I asked to be changed a bit, so he's working on it.)

In the meantime, I must show you something which as always thrilled me.  (Call me weird!!)  I think double yolks are the coolest thing on the planet.  It's almost like twins.....and how often does it happen?  Heavens, I rarely even make friend eggs anymore and then to have two double yolked eggs on the same day?  I thought it might be like a "sign" of some type....but NO!  The rest of the day was pretty mundane. LOL

What I have been doing lots of lately is searching out bichon frise rescue sites online for a possible new dog.  Hubby and I think we might just like a boy this time since we've never had a boy.  How do you like this little guy?  Isn't he just the cutest?  His name is Rocky and he's 9 months.  Problem is that the foster mom thinks he shouldn't be an only dog so he'd have to come with the next one.

Meet Isabelle.  She and Rocky apparently are best buds!  Isabelle is 4 years and they both are puppy mill rescues and not real sure of human companionship yet.  Both are "fixed" and microchipped, and have had shots and vet checks.

Then there is Roscoe.  Roscoe is 5 and also up for adoption, but he would be available as an only dog.  He too was a mill dog, but prior to that was owned by a couple who had gotten divorced.  From what I read, he is a little lover.  So.......that's where my head has been lately.  I don't know!  Should we get another dog (or two) or not?  I go one way one day, and the other, the next.  If I wasn't allergic to cats, I might go that route instead, but that's OUT!

Oh, there is one really nice thing that happened lately though.  My swap partner got her doll quilt and the goodies I sent her and said some really wonderful things in her blog.  You must read them here.  I was so touched!!  Thank you, Kat!!

So there you have it!  My last 5 days in a nutshell.  Whatcha think???


  1. get two.they will keep you laughing and each other company!! Gail Norback

  2. Looking at the soul shining in each of their eyes, I (who rescues beagles) would say get all three ! But realistically I do think 2 are a good answer - especially since Rocky and Isabelle are already best buds. I think animals like having a bud of their own.

    they are all precious beyond belief

  3. ahhh..the rescues...full of sad heartbreaking stories.

    I am almost 60 and have had a few dogs. They are pack animals you know. We had an only dog only once. Then we got two litter mates that lived with us for 12-13 years and I can tell you that I will never have a lone dog again. Its so much better for the dogs to have a friend besides me.

    I don't know what life would be if I couldn't hug my puppies everyday.

    Good luck on your choice.
    xx, Carol

  4. If you can, I would go for the couple....it is harder to get two out the door together than one.
    Happy Quilting!!

  5. On second thought...maybe those double yokes WERE a sign!!

  6. I think your creations are bright and beautiful... it is okay to take a break.. but I hope you are back soon.. you brighten my day, I look forward to coming here and seeing what wonderful things you are making. I was thinking of you the other day. I wanted to take out my Japanese kimono and take a picture of it.. so I could send it to you.. because of the colors in it.. it reminds me of YOU.. I guess I better get on that huh!

  7. I haven't seen a double yolked egg in ages! I didn't sew at all last week - it amazed me.

  8. awww, 2 or 3.. they are cute.

  9. How about a couple of rabbits instead?

  10. Have you ever had two dogs at once? That's an important question. We happen to have three right now, a first for us, we've always had two. All our dogs are rescues.
    Two dogs are fun and do keep each other company but it's twice the vet bills and twice the amount of food, not that those adorable little dogs will each much...OK and they are twice the fun. However, I love the five year old, older dogs don't get adopted as quickly you know. I guess I'm no help. They're all precious, good luck with your decision.

  11. Well from one bichon lover to another...boys are better, that is what we had...sew I would take one...knowing full well grooming, vet bills..one at a time of these luxurious treasures would be enough for me....gosh he is cute...
    and your double yolks...mmmmm I could read a whole lot into that...the last time that happened to me...I was pregnant with twins, and the second time it happened...my daughter had twins...
    are you ...? lol

  12. Get the one who needs to be alone. He'll own you!!! Then again the two are darling, but I am out of the "puppy" stage. Get them all! Ooops, you can't. It is so hard. I want to take them all home!

  13. What precious little faces! No matter what you decide, it will be right.
    Nothing can replace your other baby, but I am glad you have decided to bring NEW joy into your home!

  14. If I were you I'd jump at two, but oh my the picture of the single dog is sooooo cute. There is just something in the face. Love you are getting rescue dogs. Thank you for giving them a loving home.

  15. I don't know what you should do but, how can anyone resist those faces?

  16. What are the egg yolks telling you! (Like Madame Samm) LOL. Unless you are pregnant...I'd get 2...but, I'm a dog lover. I have a shitzu/bishon...and those pictures...oh my!! And it's not too soon. Just sayin'.... : )

  17. We have chi's and we have 4 of those, we did have 8 but the parents passed away (they were 17 and 16) so they had a long life. Still miss them and one we gave to family we get pics all the time. We lost one to a rattle snake bite and that was very hard on us. So we went out and got a black lab puppy and we love him to pieces. He thinks he is a chi but even tho we still had dogs we needed him to help us get over losing our little chi. So do get another dog.

  18. Such sweet little faces, it would be hard for me to choose. Good luck!

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  20. We have lots of animals in our house - they come and go - and all give us much more than we could ever give back.

    We've done the single dog - a lovely Cocker Spaniel when we were first married and lived in an appartment. And the double dog - the cocker plus a Austrailian Shepherd/Blue Healer when we moved into a house of our owh. Mixing a young pup with an old dog is a tad trying. Then we added kids. The Ausie needed to find a new home, but we rescuded a Smooth Fox Terrier. That was a better mix with the Cocker. Now all of those pups are gone and we have a pair that came to us when they were both little. They are too much fun together. We have a Bassett Hound and a Great Dane/Great Pyranese. They are best buds and lost without each other.

    As to the cat allergie - we have one of those too. My husband is horribly allergic - get's asthma. However, we found that Tonkinese kitties don't bother him. I guess they play and sleep more than they groom.

    All of that to say, follow your heart about the critters. It will be okay, and you will be making us all grin with your beautiful quilty creations again in no time.

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  22. I have both a cat (she came first) and a dog (my first ever). I would never have a cat again, after having my beautiful Daisy. She is a bichon frise-maltese mix and an only, but loves me to death and I love her. Go for whatever you feel comfortable with, and if you are home most of the day, I wouldn't worry about having only one.

  23. Roscoe, pick Roscoe! He's adorable!!!

  24. I've been pondering the same questions here for almost 4 years. I miss our dog so much, but being busy with work, travel and grandkids really doesn't leave a lot of time to devote to another furbaby.

  25. Isabelle is too cute...I like Roscoe too...I also like Rocky....oh my, I would have a hard time picking one of these...I think once you get a new dog you will be yourself again....I know what I would do in this case..LOL

  26. I'm sew glad you are thinking towards filling your heart with love for a new little doggie. When my husband and I lost out dear Flash 7 1/2 years ago we only lasted 3 days before we rescued Dusty. Our lives so orbit around our dog that our hearts were so empty we could hardly live without Flash. It turned out, Flash had talked to both of us individually before he passed telling us what a good home we had given to him and that we should give another poor homeless doggie a home when he was gone.
    Whichever one you choose will warm your heart and fill your house with love and happiness. And your heart will get back in to your wonderful creative quilting.

  27. Well..... if you aren't ABSOLUTELY sure how you feel yet about having another dog, wait a while. Let yourself heal so you are not making a choice based on emotion.
    If you are SURE you want another dog sooner rather than later I vote for Roscoe. He is VERY cute!!

  28. no one should ever ask my opinion about getting a dog coz my answer will always be a resounding yes!!! I just can't imagine not hainv gone and having two has always been my best option as they always have each other for company.

  29. We lost our Pom, Missy, in Oct., and waited a while, but ended up getting 2 Yorkies 2 weeks apart. One was a yr. old Mar. 6, and the other one is 8 mo. old. They are so totally different. They do keep me busy, but both are a lot of fun. We always said if we got more dogs, we would get 2 so they would have a buddy.

  30. I can so identify with your dilemma. I have been looking at rescues since I lost my dog in December, but I still go back and forth with the should-I-get-another-dog or not. Have you met any of the dogs yet? I'd do that, and then I think you'll have your answer. I'd vote for Roscoe, but the others are cute, too.

  31. hi there. i'm a cat person and when my kitty passed away after 16 years, first apartment, marriage, two kids, moving from country to country to house to house, I was devasted. After three months I told my husband I could not live without a kitty in the house. He also missed her so we got little peaches for my daughter and then a couple years later got uki for my son and i love having both of them around! during the day they hang out all over my studio and keep me company and are fun together. Therefore, I say go for the two best friends! good luck!

  32. I say...get a dog or get two. Their companionship is so valuable. I have one dog left and I've been looking for another!!

  33. If you have the means to pay for 2 times everything and are sure you have the time to put in then I would go for 2. Although it is true that older dogs are more difficult to re-home you taking 2 dogs make space for 2 new poor creatures who have been either abandonned or mistreated. I lost my perfect companion (a German Shepherd who also came from a dog's home) in October and I miss him terribly. Time does not always heal and if it wasn't for my husband not wanting another dog I would be at that rescue centre in a heartbeat.
    Good luck not only to you but also to the dogs.

  34. Aw thank you for your kind words!
    Wow tough choice! All 3 are so adorable. I am a total bichon fan. Did you know that through your stalking ;) we had 2 in nz- a bichon x maltese and a bichon x papillion. We decided to gift our oldest Toby to my grandmother when we had children and moved to Australia. So now we just have the one. It was the best decision we ever made, but that's purely because of our time of life. Even though I am home full time I still think Izzy would benefit from a companion. So I would probably sway to two- but for now 2 babies and 1 high maintenance dog (in all respects) is definitely enough for me! Love her to bits absolutely, but she is a lot of work...

  35. I'd pick Roscoe. If the others have some "issues", why not select the one that could be an only child, and is already a loving little critter. You know, of course, in spite of all the research you do, "the one" will pick you :-)

  36. Any dog(s) out there will be lucky to get you as their owner.... so I say listen to your heart and if you have lots of love to give go for it! There are so many animals out there that needs good homes.

    Love your pics with the double yolks. I to am a twin, but to get 2on the same day wow!

    Best wishes for what ever decision you make!

  37. Ahh, they're all so adorable! Yes, a four-legged would cheer you right back into stitching! My Stars always puts my world right somehow. Big hugs!


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