Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Oh my, what to do?

As many of you know, we lost our 12 year old bichon frise, Emmy on March 18th.  She was a gorgeous dog, purchased from a renowned multi-champion breeder, with a solid champion pedigree, but in many ways she was weird.  She hated other dogs!  She hated going for walks!  She also hated to be groomed!  Now, with some breeds that wouldn't be a problem, but with bichons, they require constant upkeep.  Every month since she came to us, I would groom her and every month since she came to us, she would fight the grooming like the devil.  She bit me and scratched me!  She hated it!  I hated it!  Bichons are supposed to be loving and cheerful!  Not Emmy!  I bought her to show and to breed.  Wrong again!  I had her with my breeder/handler for 5 months in 2000 and she only got to 1 point.  She hated the ring!  I hated the fact that I spent so much $$ for nothing.  Then, on top of it, because she hated other dogs so passionately, I couldn't get another one to keep her company and to make our lives more fun.  I was stuck!  I had her spayed!  No way was I going to pass on her personality to some poor puppies.  12+ years I lived like this and when it was over on March 18th, I felt as though I gave her a great life, and surprisingly, I did miss her.  But, and it's a big BUT, I didn't want another dog like that!!  What to do?  

Well, last Saturday, was a cold, miserable, rainy day here.  It was the PERFECT day to visit a rescue shelter just for lack of anything better to do but possibly take afternoon naps.  Hubby and I were both excited since we discovered that this shelter was known for their love of bichons and since we're over the showing/breeding stages of our lives, we thought we might find an older/in need dog.  Well......we (or I should say, I) found the perfect dog alright, but it was never what I expected............lookie:

Oh so tempting!!!

Have you ever seen anything so cute?  I was in love!  He's a 9 week old poodle/maltese mix.  Problem was that I hadn't filled out any paperwork, nor been "checked" out by the owner and/or staff.  Let me tell you that adopting from a shelter is probably as involved as adopting a child.  I filled out paperwork for that other rescue a while back, but not this one.  And the adoption papers were only online, not at the shelter.  Besides, did I really want a puppy?  Actually hubby wanted two at once.  That might have been why I was hesitant.

So yesterday, after I talked DH into getting one dog at a time, we called the shelter and POOP, that baby has already been adopted.  I'm sooo bummed!  So now what?  Should I settle for a litter mate?  One's a boy and the other is a girl.  We've never had a boy dog. 

Or, should I keep looking?  I think I'm ready for a new baby in this house before I'm too old to get one.  What do you think?


  1. God is trying to tell you something!!!!! LISTEN!

  2. I say yes to a new dog companion. My two dogs bring so much happiness to my life. And boy dogs are wonderful. Mine is neutered and I really think that helps a lot with his mellowness.

  3. Oh, Carol! My heart sings with joy at those faces! Imagine . . . just imagine . . . seeing those faces the first thing every morning and the last thing every night? Being loved so totally and unconditionally?
    I guess my vote is crystal clear - huh?

  4. Aw, if you went looking, you're ready! Find a new baby and have fun:@)

  5. We recently took the leap of faith and got a puppy (I am in your age group, married 32 years), and we love her! Ours is a lovely yellow lab, she will be huge, sheds like crazy, but is gorgeous and soooo sweet. We also have my daughter's beagle mix living with us, so we have a house full of dog hair, and fun and love too. Hope you find another cute pup like the one in the picture!

  6. I say YES! We have an 9 month old corgi mix and a 9 week old corgie mix. Let me tell you, they have alot of fun wresting and chasing each other!

  7. dear carol -

    please do not ever "settle" for another pet. For both your sake and your companion's sake, make sure things just go YES from that very first instant.

    I rescue beagles and have had boys and girls - there is a difference of temperament - I often things boys (neutered) are sweeter and more devoted as life long companions

    wish you could have gotten both those abbies in that photo LOL - too darn cute !

  8. Listen to your heart and you will have the answer. Dogs are such glorious creatures aren't they?!

  9. I agree that if you're looking you're ready. I've had boys and girls and I thinks boys (neutered) are much more personable, loyal, and happy. Go for it.

  10. I have a maltipoo and it is the BEST dog I have ever had! They are sweet, loving and VERY smart! They want to please and cuddle. I have a male (I hate female dogs). I would definitely go for it!

  11. Hi Carol
    Dogs are pack animals. They need dog companionship. The BEST is to get two so they keep each other company.

    But, when you see the one or two, you want, you'll know.

    You took the first step. Congrats.
    xx, Carol

  12. You will fall in love with another one, or preferably two as I think most animals like company, and then you will KNOW :)

  13. At age 58, I've owned my share of dogs. Many were pedigreed and others were Heinz 57's. I have to say, the rescue dogs make the best companions! I prefer the personality of a female especially later in life. They seem to age more mellow than boys...plus they are not always trying to "MARK" their territory???Know what I mean?? Hike that little leg and TEE TEE just to get their smell on something. I had a dog that would pee on the Grandbabie's high chair just to show me what he thought of that Baby coming in and invading HIS territory! ha!!
    Best of luck! Those look like precious puppies...go for the girl if you only want one!!
    Gmama Jane

  14. Ohhh goodness me ......decisions...I too was an owner of a bichon...and I miss our Duvet is missed beyond words...He was a boy, but he was GAY there was no doubt about it..he liked to be groomed, hated if his paws were dirty, P'd like a girl..Never in his 12 yrs did I see him lift his leg..He barked like a girl, loved baking...loved the smell of flowers...see told you...GAY...and he filled my heart with sew much love...I don't think I could ever go through that again...Sew not much help am I...but I do know there is something very special about people who love dogs and cats...I have a ragdoll and main coon..and they are girls...very girly...xx * Keep looking...

  15. I have always preferred female dogs. I've shown also, conformation, obedience and then on to agility. But about 10 years ago, while looking for a female puppy, I fell in love with a male. Got him of course. I've found that with the male puppies being neutered at a young age, that I like them just as well as the females. We have a six dog household and my favorites are both males (of course a MOM is not supposed to have favorites!) Toni

  16. As the mom of 2 dachshunds [littermates-one of them born blind] I agree they love the company of each other BUT the humans must want 2 dogs-we shoulder the cost and responsibility involved.
    We ''replaced'' our 15 year old dog qite quickly after her death-just be 100% sure you're ready!

  17. I think I told you we lost our pom in Oct. We waited a while, and then all of a sudden, we were given 2 Yorkies from 2 different places. We'd always said we would get 2 dogs while they were young. Missy didn't like other dogs either.
    These 2 are as different as night and day. Both females. One is 14mos. and one is 9mos. They provide a lot of entertainment. I do wish we could have waited until after our vacation as now they will have to be boarded for a week. The oldest is so protective of me that I have to watch her as she will "nip" at the kids. The youngest is so laid back and could care less about anything.
    They are both so different than the pom we were used to for 16 years. Sometimes I think it's good to change breeds.
    Love the pics you posted. Keep us informed of what you decide.

  18. For the first time in my life, I have been a dog owner for the last four years. I have a bichon/maltese cross named Daisy that is the most gentle, loving thing. She never barked until last year after I had a break-in, and still only barks if a stranger pulls into the driveway (but not once they have come in). She is my shadow and I love her to bits. Best of all, my sister has her brother and they get to play together often. Good luck with your pick (that brother/sister combo looks really cute!)

  19. Hello Carol! I love my 3 dogs even all are weird on they own way - not the easiest but the most lovable friends to me! I love my 'Nero' but I have to say that my girls has been easier. I hope you find soon your puppy and ENJOY - that is so special time to see how they grow!
    Sunny wishes!

  20. TWO! TWO! Definitely get two new loves. My two furry companions make my day so much happier. We have one boy and one girl (mini doxies). I can't say one sex is easier than another, especially if you have them spayed and neutered. I hope your find the bundle of your dreams!

  21. Carolyn the Cat PersonMay 17, 2011 at 1:45 PM

    If you had ANY doubt, DONT DO IT.

    If you had really, really wanted a dog, you would't have checked with your blog peeps.

    If you want one, get one.

  22. I think only you can make the decision, Carol. I'll just say I wish we had 2, not one. He's a neurotic mess of miniature dachshund when I leave him home alone.

  23. Go for two. They are such good company for each other and for you. Pups are fun. Older dogs are delightful. You can't lose!

  24. I have a boy dog and I love him to bits, I couldn't imagine being without him. I have had my share of naughty dogs but he is a champ.

  25. Those puppy faces are A-doreable!! It' would be a difficult decision to just pick one...yep...so...if you get them both...wah-la...you don't have to choose. Howz that for logic? =P

  26. Oh Carol, you've made the first step, now go for it, if that is what you really want. You'd be getting the best of both worlds - a male & a female. I've only ever had male dogs - and would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Both of my "boys" are very loving and affectionate.

    Good luck with your decision. If it's meant to be....it will happen.

  27. puppies are so cute. Thanks for trying to save dogs from the shelter :) You have a kind heart!

  28. What the heck?? Get them both - they obviously belong together!!

  29. Go for it! I've always owned female dogs until a few years ago when we adopted our male black lab/boxer. He is an angel and the love of my life! And like somebody else said - God is speaking - listen!

  30. you will know when the right dog (or dogs) finds you!! when that happens you wont question it at all!

  31. I think that two will bring you twice the joy! I agree the one that you had your eye on was absolutely adorable.... but how can you resist the other two? They are just as cute! Post some pictures when you bring them home! :-)

  32. How could you resist those two cute little things!! Go for it, you won't regret it for long!!

  33. I too am thinking about a new little fluffy pup to have and just havent got around to doing anything serious about it yet. I wouldnt be able to resist those little ones. You know when its the right one and you just got to go with your gut feeling :)

  34. When we got Stars (10 years ago), my sister had originally planned for getting his sister, but she was spoken for. This little guy looked up and gave a tiny little kiss--and that was that, he came home to us! We've loved having a boy! And our black lab puppy (now passed on) loved having a brother and playmate.


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