Monday, August 29, 2011

Meet Rita

Meet Rita, everyone!  She's #5 in the Ladies Series.  Yup, I'm still going strong and have a bunch of others yet to come.  It's getting to the point where I have to check their numbers before I post them though.  Duh!  Do you think that means I am going too far?  For sure you've yet to meet Shirley, Gloria, Susie, Annie, Kat and who knows who that might come along.  That'll make at least 11. And, I'm sure there will be more.  I know of at least two other drawings I've yet to name.  

To be honest, I'm not crazy about Rita.  She gave me a bit of a fit!  Seems whenever I make a longer face, (or perhaps it was the pebble quilting instead of the swirl), the face seems to wrinkle a bit.  Usually, I can get around this with the addition of glasses, but I really wanted one without glasses once.  I ironed the blue blazes out of her just to take this picture, I'll have you know.  Poor thing needs botox! 

She looked okay for this photo and at this point I didn't know she'd be a problem! 

I was going to flip that picture, so you wouldn't have to see it sidewards, but the whole perspective is off  since I actually took it this way.  I think she was laying on the ironing board.  :D

Here's the drawing:

Rita - the drawing

And a close-up of her face.  Note the tiny pencil dots.  I even did freckles with knots, but later removed them because she looked even worse.  Poor dear looked like she had zits!

And the finished Rita.........(I do love her eyes!)  Believe it or not, I finish that part of the quilt first and then continue onward with the rest of the sewing.  For some reason they come alive after I have done the eyes.

Rita #5 in the Ladies Series

Oh, and one more thing.  I think I was lax in showing you my entry for the Little, vote, swap entry.  It's a fun new group I joined.  Check it out, you might want to be in our next swap.  I think the next one starts the end of this week and you have a whole 6 weeks to make something.

"Love to Sew"

I already have an idea of what I'm going to do next for that swap.....(if I don't forget...duh!)  With all these ladies swimming in my head, who can remember anything?


  1. I really love your ladies!!!
    And I can't wait to meet the others!!!!
    Believe it or not: Your ladies make my fingers tickle and my eyes looking for a pen to draw.
    ... I wish I had a little Mia just like your ladies to decorate the folder in which I keep my crafting ideas.

  2. There's a wonderful post on the SewCraftyJess blog about your Little Quilt. I love your small quilts...they are absolutely fabulous!

  3. Wow, I just read about Maria last night and today you've got Rita up on your blog! Darling, darling, darling!!

  4. Yep, I eyes make the ladies come alive! So darn cute. I love your mini quilt...what a great idea for my sewing room!

  5. I'm so glad Rita is red headed. Something about the drawing was just asking for it. She is lovely.

    So, if you do the eyes first...they're looking at you the whole time you are quilting. Do they talk to you? I can hear them chatting about the project they are working on,

  6. Is Rita helping you with your next little quilt idea...she looks like she's dreaming up something.

  7. Hi Carol... I am just amazed at all your ladies...They are all wonderful... I wish I was so talented as you... Beatiful work... Hugs :)

  8. How I love these ladies! Are they real or products of your incredible creative imagination??

  9. Your Ladies are wonderful!!! I love them all. I really like your little quilt for trade. Keep up the good work. --hugs--Sandie

  10. Your lady has gorgeous eyes! Love love "Love to Sew"! Such sparkling color.

  11. I like this one too..especially the freckles...see the wee things I note...

  12. Carol, I just found you and am so delighted!!!!!! What a wonderFULL first post for me to be introduced to you flavor, zest and FUN-ness! I love her personality that comes out with the pins at the side of her perky kissers! I would love to be in the swap.....I will take a peek and see if I can play with you all. Drop by and say HI if you are ever in my neighborhood at CELEBRATING YOU! Em

  13. Totally too cute as always!!!!
    Keep up the ladies. How about a "stripper" of course I meant fabric stripper :)
    I smile every time I visit your blog, may God continue to bless you with amazing creativity!!

  14. Rita is adorable - such great ideas! The little quilt is great as well.

  15. Well wonderful again. Rita so far looks most like me, but I can see elements of myself in some of the others too. I love her brown eyes.
    Do you make these ladies to order? Debra

  16. Rita looks like a girl who loves fun! And your eyes on these quilts are just awesome! Another great quilty!


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!