Monday, December 5, 2011

The cat's outta the bag, so to speak....

I have been dying to tell you about this, but this will have to do for now:

Stay tuned for the whole story when I get MY issue.  (The Australian to USA mail does take awhile, so don't hold your breath!)  In the meantime......go sew!


  1. I'm so sorry it didn't link. I tried 3 times.

  2. Very cool! Congratulations! And you made the cover too!

  3. Woooohooo!! That's awesome Carol! :) WTG! :D

  4. Congrats, I am so glad that JoAnn's carries these magazine. Guess where I will be waiting patiently for the issue to come out! :-)

  5. Congratulations! And I am glad that Joan posted that this magazine's available at Joann's. I'll have to check the one near me for it. Can't wait!

    Another congrats coming when you post about it!!

  6. INTERNATIONAL fame!! You are very deserving.

  7. Now that is exciting Carol - congratulations! Can't wait to see and hear more about it, and to stalk a LQS who I know carries the mag!

  8. Congrats on being the Aussie magazine, hope I can find one soon. Your work makes me happy just to look at it!! Great Stuff!!

  9. Published! Hurray and it's about time! Can't wait to see it all up close and in detail.

  10. Congratulations! How incredibly cool.

  11. w00t !!! You GO, Girl ! and in no less than Aussie Homespun - that is impressive !! ( I have a great deal more creative respect for the Australian stitchery and quilting magazines than the American !)

    just too awesome !

  12. Just Highlighted it and went over to have a peek. Congrats! You so deserve it!

  13. Woooooooweeeeee!!!! Fantastic Carol!!! Now to get my hands on one of those magazines:):):)

  14. Oh, Carol! Congratulations! Hear-Hear!, Way to Go! Awesome! Kudos! And all that Jazz!
    I am so proud to "know" you!

  15. Carol, way to go that is super exciting!!!! I am so happy that they did a story about you and your incredibly original quilts.

  16. Yay, the beach scene.
    Your work is so original, it is time the word was spread :)

  17. Congratulations. You are so creative and your work is amazing. I am glad so many people will be able to enjoy it.

  18. Oh Wow Carol congratulations Love the beach scene, but I love everything that you create. Well done you

  19. Wonderful news! Congrats to a very accomplished quilter!

  20. Woweee! Congratulations! That's a biggee! Couldn't happen to a nicer gal...

  21. Way to go exciting 4u.... Where..' s the party?

  22. Congratulations! And it looks like a wonderful article and project!

  23. I am not surprised at all! I just love seeing what wonderful happy quirky piece of art you've come up with next when I visit. You are one truly talented lady!

  24. Wow! Congratulations! You are so deserving. I am in love with everything you do! Hurray!

  25. I got my copy of the mag and your project is fabulous. Congrats on being published in Homespun. Its very exciting! Hugs Vicki x

  26. WOW !!!! CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! I LOVE your designs !!!!!

  27. Hello Carol I just bought Australian Homespun from my supermarket in Adelaide South Australia and I so have to tell you that your work is beautiful!!! The picture of the little girl holding the balloons is just fabulous. You should feel so proud...your drawing and use of color is so bright and warm. I sew but when it comes to choosing colors and fabrics I have a terrible time so I do admire your talent. Congratulations I will certainly be following your blog in the future. Merry Christmas Jodie (


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!