Saturday, December 31, 2011

No one's missing.....

Do you remember a few weeks back when I was making the ladies?  Perhaps you've forgotten that we had two missing ladies.......#17 and #18.  Now, these gals weren't missing because of a postal glitch, heavens NO, but rather because #18 commissioned me in October to do two special quilts.  One for herself and one for her friend for Christmas gifts and now that Christmas is over, and #17 has gotten her gift of "herself" I can reveal them to you.

I am so pleased to finally introduce you to #17, Lynn:

Lady #17 - Lynn

Lynn's pretty eyes

#17 in the Ladies series - Lynn

There's a funny little story that I just discovered about Lynn's eyes.  You can read it on Mary's blog post.  First, you have to meet Mary, who was the sweetheart who instigated the whole surprise:

#18 - Mary

Mary's pretty eyes

a href="" title="#17 in the Ladies series - Mary by mamacjt, on Flickr">#17 in the Ladies series - Mary

And here is a picture of the two of them together with themselves:

Mary and Lynn together

You'll have to read Mary's blog to get the scoop on Lynn's eye color.  I was quite surprised when I read it....!!!!  LOL  And, I guess Mary thought her eyes should have been a bit browner too.  Hazel is tricky!  Everyone has their own opinion of hazel, I guess.  I'm sorry, Mary!

One thing though...... Mary is recovering from having her tonsils out right before Christmas!  Poor Mary!  I can't imagine not talking, can you?  Or eating normal food?  Especially around the holidays?  E-gads!!  I hope you are doing well, Mary, and recovering fast!  My best wishes to you and thank you again.  I had a ball making you both!  I hope Lynn loved herself.

Have a safe and marvelous New Year's, my friends!  I've had an awesome year full of surprises and fun!  I'm so happy that you have joined me on this journey through 2011.  I can't wait to see what 2012 will bring!


  1. I just love them :-)
    Happy new year

  2. These are great, you are so talented!

  3. It must feel good to have your series complete now. What a fun project this has been to watch.

  4. Your quilt pictures are stunning! You are so very talented and I so enjoy you sharing these with us. Amazing work...or is it "play" for you? Happy New Year!

  5. Yes, we both love them in spite of the eye color. I just say my eyes are green with envy over all the fabric at Lynn's Thread and Bolts Quilt Shop. This picture was taken the day before my Tonsillectomy. It hasn't been fun at all. Christmas Dinner I didn't get anything but a glass of the apple juice. I barely got back to eating normal food on day 12. I'm on day 14. I still have some pain but it is easier to eat. Happy New Year! We will be revealing these at our Guild Mtg on the 10th of January.

  6. Congratulations to the new owners. You have original works of art! Carol, you are amazing, but I have said that before & truly mean it!

    My mother and sister have hazel eyes. Their eyes can look green or light brown, depending on what they wear. My daughter has pale blue eyes (as does my hubby) which can look bluer when she wears blue tops.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  7. I've loved reading your blog all through 2011 and look forward to 2012 - these pictures are wonderful

  8. Just to let you know! LYNN LOVES herself! Just a tweak in the mirror and my eyes can be blue! My son has the most gorgeous baby blue eyes so maybe that is where Mary got the blue from. Am excited to show the Ladies at Guild with Mary on the 10th. I am sure Mary will keep you posted. I just wanted to say thank you personally!


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!