Saturday, January 14, 2012

I'm having so much fun!

I'm so glad the holidays are over and I can sew again!  Can you believe that I am having so much fun and I'm so busy that I haven't taken a nap since December?  lol  (Usually, I take naps when I'm either bored or sick....mostly!  I just thought I should throw that in there for clarification.)  It's gotten so bad that we hardly have a space to eat, the table is so filled with stuff!  (Current projects are done in the kitchen, spare...."immediate need" stuff is in the dining room.  You've seen the table!)  I do move the sewing machine though.  Otherwise Toby might eat the cords.  lol  He still loves to chew on stuff!!  Sweet baby!

Remember, I told you that I was starting 2012 with solids???  What fun!  Only.......I sure wish I could work faster!!!  I have so much in my head that it's getting to where I am making quilt wall hanging tops only, just to get the stuff outta my brain and on/in fabric!  That's NEVER happened before!  I think I'm on my 8th project right now.  I'm naming my newest series, "Abstracts"!  Quite clever, I know!  (Hey, I sew, I don't name stuff.............although I must admit that I ADORE naming my work!!  (Secretly I always wanted to work in a paint factory so I could name the colors..........honestly!!  Not many people know that about me!)

Okay, okay......I know, you probably want to see something.  You didn't come here to hear me blab!  There are two that I recently posted that I can show you.  The others are either being auditioned for swaps or aren't done yet......sorry!  First of off, we have ...................."Trees":


It's 9 x 19 inches.....and kind of ZEN like (or so I've been told).  In actuality all I was striving for in the beginning was to see if tree limbs would look better if I used my rotary cutter rather than a scissors.  Once I got them on fabric, I drew (and cut out) a zillion little pieces and fused them to represent the leaves.  It's okay, but rather dull for me, wouldn't you say???  Who would guess in a million years that I would have a background of gold???  Eikes!

I do like this one better!  I named this one, "Artsy-Fartsy".  (My cleverness has no bounds!!)

Artsy-Fartsy Abstract

Quilting on Artsy-Fartsy Abstract

And the back (which could be a quilt itself if it wasn't for all the lint and birds nests.  Duh!)  lol  Incidentally, this wall hanging is 15 1/2 inch square!

Back un"linted"

So, there you have it!  I'll get back to work now!  It's 5:30 am (on Saturday) and I am ready!  Who needs sleep anyway??


  1. Oooh, looks you really ARE having a lot of fun! I love these. You are so very talented!

  2. Well, if it is too dull for you, you have my address. I think that is one of my all time the trees.

  3. Gosh - 5.30 in the morning - have you started early or worked through the night??

    Love number 2 - you are right Number 1 is just not really you!! (though still very striking)

    Speaking of naming colours - are you familiar with OPI Nail polishes - they have fantastic names - like "I'm Not really a Waitress" and "Fabulous Fuschia"

  4. I wish I had your energy! Both look fantastic!

  5. Think of all the different colours of paint we would have it you had gotten that job. I love both of these and I expect that the others are pretty awesome too.

  6. Your brain amazes me, Carol & I've told you that a million times! I love your creative instincts & wish I had some of them.

    That black & white one with the tiny buttons looks like an abstract of guys in tuxedos, dancing around girls in flamboyantly colorful skirts...everything twirling & swirling together! I would have named it "Flamingo"!


    p.s. I was up at 4...we could have talked. ;-)

  7. I just love the 'trees' - not dull at all. And I agree with Retta - the other looks like dancers swirling around - how cool! WOnderful minis.

  8. I think I hear your machine humming along right now! It's the sound of a factory of one going full force! So, what happens to the ones that don't get swapped? I think you'll need to start a flickr set in your photostream titled "For Sale". I bet they wouldn't sit there long!

  9. Always some interesting ideas coming out of your head. Just add a touch of RED or some other bright color to the Trees, it will give it some pizzazz. The 2nd one is very Original and I like it too! Even the back. You do amazing stuff at your Kitchen Table.

  10. love the trees - it is just unfinished. pop in a couple of colored pieces in the tree-tops and then do some wild stitching with a dark contrast thread. I see some bright orange pops of color or even some real dark brown. Keep going with this, I think you can make it a piece reflective of you!

  11. Gorgeous! Love the trees! But also the Artsy-Fartsy! Even a great back. WOW!!!!

  12. OOh LOVE Artsy Fartsy. So pretty.

    BTW ~ Never did get back to you about that magazine. I checked with three JoAnn Superstores on my way to MI and back a few weeks ago and not one of them carry that magazine. But, I finally broke down and ordered mine online from Erica's. I can't wait to see the article and read more about you and that awesome little quilt. thanks again

  13. I am new to your blog and LOve Love Love it. I too thought of tuxedos when I saw your "artsy Fartsy" square. I do have a question I hope you can answer. Do you do portraits from photos for people to do their own squares? I love your "girls". I will probably be on this site all day trying to catch up. Email me if you

  14. I do like the zen one. But.....the artsy fartsy one is soooo much more you. I love it.;)

  15. I am elated! I've never before met someone who wanted to follow a similar career plan. Naming colors would indeed be a fascinating job, not to mention hilarious. If I can't name colors then I want to work for a candle company and name smells.

    I love your work. Keep it coming. And the they don't seem quite like you, until I view them upside down and then I see mini marshmallows bobbing in a sea of steamy hot chocolate. It makes me giggle and then it most definitely makes me think of you.

  16. Hello,this is soooo wnderfoul, can I by this for monney??
    I love this so much ♥♥♥

  17. Oh wow, I love both of these, but I think my favourite is the one you call Artsy-Fartsy and who would guess, I didn't think I was Artsy.

  18. Hallo,
    What colours!!! is very nice, I like all your works are so lovely!!
    My little
    Kisses from Tenerife, Spain

  19. Very good...Son muy originales y te han quedado maravillosos...



  20. A moment to tell you these r pretty amazing....always love your colors


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