Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thank heavens!

Earlier today I tried posting, but Flickr was broke!  I was perplexed to be sure!  How could that happen? What would I do without Flickr?  It's kind of like not having your phone.....(although I must admit that I am not one of the many who always has a phone at my side and that VERY often it's plugged in the wall getting charged when I go out), I do see my hubby though.  He wouldn't be caught dead without his iphone!  (Bugs me to death, too!!!  Always checking this and that!  Eeekkkkks!!)  I am getting away from myself though.  I just want to show you something.......

I finally finished the quilt for my swap partner for the Fab Little Quilt Swap.  Remember when I started with these:

FLIQ start

FLQS continues..........

Well, I sewed them together and got this:

Then I sandwiched it to quilt it and this is what the back looked like before I embellished it:

I had plans and certain criteria that I knew I would take to make it all it could be and I'm really happy with the way it turned out.  Here's the inside part after I finished it:

The inside part

And a close-up to see the stitching.  Can you see where I embroidered FLIQS 2012 on the tree trunk?

Hand Stitching

And the whole thing:

"Love, live, dream" - in color.  FLIQS - done

Now I need to get to work.  I haven't sewn a thing in 3 days and I feel like a real slacker!  What oh what will I show you next time?????


  1. Cute! So cute!! I love the way the colors are set off against the black and white.

  2. Delightful. I'm sure your partner will love it. Just in case she doesn't slip my name and address in the envelope so she can forward it on to me! LOL

    I know you will find something wonderful to share.

  3. Amazing creation. You are one talented lady!

  4. Such an adorable design. Your embroidery is beautiful! My fave part is all those little squares!

  5. Just perfect! I love the tiny squares border and, of course, the buttons! Your partner will be thrilled!

  6. mamacjt rules!!! This is incredible, I love it. Where do you take it from, you must overflow with creativity - you are wonderful :o)

  7. Fabulous! So when is your book coming out then? I can just imagine a fantastic book full of your designs :-)

  8. As usual your design is fabulous. I love this little quilt

  9. I love all the unusual things you make - this is gorgeous :)

  10. Wonderful quilt - love the little birds in the tree and the little buttons on teh outside are also a clever touch. I wonder how you did the white words??

  11. I can totally agree with the phone glued to the ear thing---there are just too many things to do besides play on my phone!

    That little girl is SOOOO precious as I probably have mentioned before;p

  12. ZGO! I thought Flickr was broke too! Scared the crap out of me! ; ) Just found you and your work... LOVELY. ; ) FABULOUS colors!!

  13. Oh so Cute!!! Love the owl, the embellishments and especially those sassy borders. The buttons added a perfect balance. Well done Carol!!

  14. How cute, looks like lots & lots of presents! And your buttons just take it to a whole new level. I'm sure your partner will be tickled pink when she opens it & sees it in person.



Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!