Friday, March 2, 2012

I hate being sick!

Here I thought it was just a cold and I'd be over it in no time flat!  Duh.......NOT!  I mean, it had only lasted about 3 weeks!  So, by last Friday, I knew something was up, but did I go to the doctor right away?  Hello??  By this past Wednesday, when I could hardly take a breath, I knew things were serious!  I have lung problems to start with and you'd think I'd be smarter!  But my friends and I were getting together Monday and I had a haircut appointment on Tuesday........well, you know how it is!!  In any event, I am now on massive doses of steriods and antibiotic and should recover in no time......hopefully!   Good thing I had projects so I didn't have to move much.  First of all, I must show you what my very talented friend, Shirley made just for fun:

Can you tell that she's a paper piecer?  I am so envious!  Maybe someday, I will take a class, or get some professional help in that direction.  I probably could do it too!  That sun was amazing!  My eyes just popped out of my head when she took it out of her "show and tell" packet.  Wow!  And look at those cute little flying geese....e-gads!

At least I haven't been sitting around idle.  A week or so ago, I again joined the Bitty Block swap where you make twelve 3.5 inch blocks of the themed month and send them on to 11 participants.  The last one is mine to keep.  So, I said I'd make 24 blocks.......which was two sets of 12 in a landscape theme for March.  The other choice was pirates and I knew I wouldn't be so good at those.  lol  Some time ago, I came across a stitcher who blew me away and I knew I wanted to do something similar, but easier, so I got out my fabric and floss and went to town:

Prairie Flowers

Please click on that picture and read the bottom of the photo to link to her flickr site.  She is amazing and literally pays her mortgage with her stitched pictures!  (Or so she told me!  lol)  I had a ball with that first one, but the thought of 11 more almost drove me to drink and when you are on prescription medication, that is not such a wise thing!  (As we all know!!!)  I decided to count the knots on one block and I got 104....times 12 makes............1248 colonial knots, folks!  Yes, you read that right!  1248 knots!  Eikes!

Bitty Blocks - Landscapes Grp #1

I was a happy camper when those were done, but now I had to come up with another set of 12.  Duh!  Good thing I am sick and up and down all night because I started drawing in the middle of the night and came up with another one that I liked!

BBC  Landscapes - Group 2

I thought it kind of fit in my "theme" of summer and nice days, so I got to work and made another 11:

BBC Landscapes - Group #2

Those, I think, really look like something I'd make.  If you are interested, go to the flickr group to see some amazing others.  Sometimes, they really are something!  It's crazy how many teeny tiny pieces some of those players get in one 3.5 inch square.

Besides, those, I made one more mug rug.  I decided to brake out my NEW hand dyed fabrics and do something fun!  It did get a bit wonky, but I like it anyway:

Classy Mug Rug

So, that's the news for today!  We're expecting 6-8 inches of snow today, so I think I am going to get out of this house and get to the grocery store soon before there are too many people there to catch my "crud".  You have a nice weekend and I'll be back soon.........I hope!



  1. I love your tiny gardens - yikes - to think of that many Colonial knots!! Still they are done now - but I think the tree scene would have been far more diddly - for me anyway. Hope you are better soon - 8" snow - almost unimagineable to me.

  2. You've made some gorgeous blocks and to think they're 3.5" is incredible!!
    I hope you're feeling better, I've been battling a flu/cold for the past 3 weeks myself.
    Your blog is a real treasure trove of creations, I'm so glad I popped in and became a follower! :)


  3. So sorry to hear you're unwell ... lots of rest and relaxation!!! Will be praying for you!!
    Your mini blocks are gorgeous!!! ... Not that I'm surprised really ... I am always blown away by what you come up with and make!! But these are absolutely gorgeous!!!!
    And I am loving your mug rug!! Might take some inspiration from you with this little beauty! It's gorgeous!! So simple, yet utterly effective!!

  4. Sigh. I totally understand the not paying attention to your health when you really ought to. That doesn't make it a good idea. Go cuddle up under the quilt I quilted for you and feel the love. It should make the 8" of snow seem friendlier too.

    Love your mug rug. It reminds me of a jazzed up tuxedo shirt. Have to you gonna set a mug on those buttons? Not that I would set a mug on that beauty.

    Feel better my friend.

  5. I adore your projects. I wish I had just a smidgen of your creativity. You bring sunshine in with every post. Maybe those steroids are a good thing, chuckle! Be well!

  6. I'm really anxious to see what creation Shirley comes up with for those blocks. That sun really is gorgeous! You already know I think your bitties are wonderful as is your mug rug.

  7. Love the mini landscapes, what a wonderful idea. Hope you feel better soon.

  8. Even when ill you are creative beyond! Those mini's are super, oh so many knots would drive me knuts!

  9. So sorry to hear that you're sick! You sure managed to get a lot done though! We've had a lot of illness running around our extended family of four grown children, their spouses and nine grandchidren. I was helping them out and now this past week I ended up wiped out and sick! Feeling better today though, finally got a customer quilt quilted... hope to move on to other stuff later, especially since we are now in the midst of a (late) snowstorm (hardly any snow all winter and it comes today!) Trudy

  10. Hi Carol, I do hope that you are feeling better soon. I went and checked out the Flckr pool and I must say WOW some of those blocks are amazing.

  11. These tiny landscapes are gorgeous. All the little knotty flowers, what a nice idea!
    I had to read twice about the swap thing, because I found the repetition so appealing: 12 similar landscapes to be patched together, or so I thought ...
    I hope you'll get better soon!

  12. You put a lot on those tiny squares too. Feel better SOON! Glad you finally went to the DR. He gives out the good drugs... Snowtime is good stitching time.

  13. WOW!!!!!!!!!!! I love all your artistic talent that produces such colorful projects. Get well soon. You delight me with all that you do.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  14. Sorry that you have been ill, you really should take more care of yourself. I love your meadow flowers, such patients to get all those flowers finished, and your mug rug is great, just like all the other things you make. Get Well soon x x

  15. The landscapes are amazing!!! Love them! Hope you feel better?

  16. "or get some professional help" LOL Lady, you NEED professional help for doing that many colonial knots on those give-away blocks!!!! CRAAAAZY!

    I like your buttoned up flying geese very much. Cool looking!

    Hugs & Happy Birthday!!!

  17. Your little bitty landscapes are amazing. Makes me wish I could have been in ALL of the groups this month. Your mug rug is so very cool.


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!