Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Well, here's the scoop.........if I don't get my butt in gear, this will be my last blog post since today's stuff is the only thing left that I have to show you!  I have been very (VERY) lazy and have not sewn a stitch in days.....nor do I have any desire to even do so!  Someone take my temp!!!  YET........I have heard that I'm not alone!  Even Flickr is slow lately........or so it seems to me!!  Do you think this is a virus of some kind?  At first I thought it might be spring fever with the unusual warm temps that we were having, BUT our cold weather has returned, so it's not that!!  Then I thought it was because of my obligations and promises of stuff that I had to make, but as you saw last time, I did what I was supposed to do, and that still hasn't helped!  I must admit that I still have two things to make for two swaps, but even the thought of that hasn't gotten me going!  Perhaps if the deadline wasn't the end of May, I might be more inclined?  I bought fabric for my niece's baby quilt and although I have been thinking about what to do, the stuff is still sitting in a pile on my kitchen island all wrapped up like it came.  Perhaps today???????  Who knows?

So, my friends, this is it!  Big whoop!  Here are my bitty blocks for April.  Don't get too excited now!  It's not like you're going to get tons of inspiration from these, believe me!  We had two themes:  birdhouses and black/white plus a splash of color.  I did 12 birdhouses and 2 sets of the color themes, one with turquoise and the other with yellow.  Remember, these are only 3.5 inches square:

BBC - Birdhouses Grp 1

Birdhouses Grp #1 BBC

BBC - Grp #2 b/w + turquoise

12 BBC Crazy CAts

BBC - Black/white + yellow

12 Penguins

There now......aren't you impressed?  Hey, I just might have to show you the ones I get from the other swappers, huh?  Now, there's a thought!  Until next time......(whenever that is?????)



  1. I'm not sure if I love your penguins or your, your cat or your birdhouses best. They're all so deliciously purrrfect!

  2. while you're waiting, make something simple, like a nine-patch quilt, just to keep sewing. or just take a break and don't feel guilty about it. you'll be back sometime, I promise.

  3. Carol, I don't think you've ever made anything that I didn't just love love love. You have such a keen sense of color and your creativity is so unique. It amazes me how even the simplest task looks amazing once your needle comes in contact with fabric. I think you are my favorite quilter...yes, I'm sure of it. I use many of your designs as inspiration for my own personal creations because I simply don't have that sense of design that you have. Take a 5 hr. Energy and get your mojo back!! I depend on you!
    Gmama Jane

  4. They're all so darling! You've been very productive.

  5. I don't know what your problem is woman! But I sure wish you'd get over it! If you aren't careful you'll be stuck with just cleaning house...YUK I say! Maybe if you sit and start clicking through your flickr favorites you'll get inspired again. Good luck, dear friend!

  6. Even in a slump your work rocks! It will get better.

  7. Uh, let me get this straight....you've sewn 4 DARLING different sets of bitty blocks, 12 in each, & you call this a "slump"???? LOL Take your temperature, is right!! You ARE sick! LOL

    Seriously though, maybe you need your thyroid checked?


  8. I must agree with the others; that is NOT a slump! I do understand that sometimes we are used to being more productive, but you're still doing quite well! As for why we have slumps, I think sometimes we (or at least I do anyway) fill our to-do list with so many things that once in a while it is just nice to step back and take a break, I think it frees the mind a bit. It always comes back, even if we have to give it a gentle nudge. Trudy

  9. I am impressed...these are adorable. It doesn't have to be a large project to inspire me! Thanks for posting these little guys and birdhouses. Good for you...there is always tomorrow for a new project!

  10. I think you are doing just fine. It will return. You are right though, you are not alone.

  11. They are all so cute, but the cat is my favorite. I can't imagine working in such a small size. Your work is amazing.

  12. I love, love, love the cat! It reminds me of something my Dad gave me back in the late 50's or early 60's. Good memories. Challenge yourself to learn something new, start an art journal, go on an urban safari with your camera, search your family tree, read a book...something, anything that will inspire and excite you! Please keep up your blog, some days it's what keeps me from "dropping out" and becoming artfully uninspired.

  13. I agree about Flick'r being quiet! What's with that??? Love you blocks, and am excited that a couple are coming to live with me! I have 4 little black dresses to finish up and I'll be sending out my bitty block too! You could always make another mini and send it to me?!!!

  14. I wish I would have swapped out just for the penguin alone, but I am way too behind to be able to commit for anything. Love your work.

  15. I love that little cat! The bell makes it per...or should I say purrrrfect! Slumps come and go. Sometimes I need to clear my head. I usually clean my sewing room and put away all the clutter of loose fabric. I don't think you have been doing "nothing" with all those bitty blocks!

  16. You may just have the burn out virus! Take a break, read some books. Visit an art gallery. You've been making stuff nonstop since I met you - you're the most prolific quilter in town Carol. No wonder you need a little rest!

  17. ooohhh I am loving the little bird houses... super sweet!!

  18. All those itty bitty bits are gorgeous - maybe you need a holiday - away from your place and away from all sewing & craft - something very different - a wine tour?? a cruise?? guess its too late to ski - maybe a cooking class? or a different hobby - woodwork? stained glas??? Or go and do soem volunteer work , , gosh I better stop

  19. Got to agree Carol, sewing is not my first thought at the moment either, but got to say I love your 3.5" blocks. Those little bird houses are to die for, and the cat and the penguin are just toooooo sweet.

  20. Let me see, your "creative drought" has resulted in 36 miniature blocks and two darling house blocks. Not bad for a drought. I should be so afflicted.
    Maybe a caribbean holiday would help, they say a change is as good as a rest and after all it is for the good of your health (wink wink)

  21. I so love your style. I can pick yours out a mile away. They are fun, colorful and inspiring. Whoever you trade with in any of your bee's are very lucky. Do you sell any of your work?


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!