Friday, May 4, 2012

What's new?

Finally, things are arriving at their destinations so I can show you some stuff!   

For the QT swap our theme for April/May was "ticker tape quilts".  Now, I really do know the ins and outs of a normal ticker tape quilt, but if you know me, you MUST realize that I HAD to do something a bit "out of the box".  What can I say?  Me, normal?  Nah!  I had a plan in mind right from the beginning.  I did not do it in the normal manner of just sewing pieces onto the sandwiched fabrics, but fused pieces to a front piece just as I would for a normal applique quilt.  (Call me a cheater!!) 

Do you see where this is going?  I wanted to do a flower scene.  Cutting all those teeny bits and pieces to fit was no picnic, believe me!  Thankfully, after I was all done, it looked just as I had imagined.

Ticker Tape Flowers

I did get a normal ticker tape quilt in return though.  Karin, from Sweden sent me this beauty:

Ticker Tape (QT swap) from Karin

She really did her homework and discovered my love of red and white together.  Aren't those free motion dog bones just the sweetest?  She must know about my, Toby too, huh?  I bet!

Then, we finally voted in the Little Quilt, Sew-Vote-Swap group.  This was round 4 and I think there were more entries than ever before.  I made mine a long time ago.  Someone mentioned that she thought it looked like a bunch of boobs and ever since then, that's all I see when I look at it.  lol  I'm really glad I'll be sending it off to "who knows who" soon so I won't see them anymore.  See what you think:

My entry for:  "sew-vote-swap"

I have been making a few more's one I came up with outside of my norm:

Asian Inspired Pincushion

It looks a bit Asian to me.  Perhaps I was inspired by those Asian bitty blocks I made awhile ago, who knows?  I'm happy to report that it has a new home already!  My friend, Shirley, fell in love with it so it's  now with her!  I sure hope she's using it and not putting it in a drawer somewhere.  lol

So, that's the news.  I have a project to do for my LQS so I'll be working on that.  It's going to be a surprise for the Moda club at the end of May.  Then too, I want to do another pincushion for my swap partner.  It's a long story and after I send it all out I will tell you the theme and my thoughts on what I did.  I hope it's as much of a hit as I hope!  I will show you both of the pincushions for her next time.  Until then, have a great weekend and have fun!!!


  1. What a sweet ticker tape Carol. I love how you made it you!

  2. Wow! Those two mini quilts you made are adorable!!! I especially love the flower one!!! .... But then, those boobs are striking too, lol!!!

  3. Wow! Love the little quilts and your pincushion is smashing.

  4. Just love your flowery ticker tape! Cheating works! I know lots of comments were about boobs, but I just really don't see boobs in that bright fab little quilt. I know why I don't see boobs but I won't go into detail about that. I just see disks. Colorful disks. You know, I can so see that Shirley would love that pincushion. It couldn't have gone to a better new home!

  5. Your flower ticker tape mini is fabulous! It reminds me of a mosaic tile!! Very "Gaudi"!!

  6. I love, love, love your flower ticker tape mini quilt! I've never made a ticker tape quilt but am quietly plotting one in my head, so thank you for the inspiration :) I don't see boobs, I love it!

  7. You've wowed me again!!! Love your stuff! Thanks for sharing.

  8. I am crushing on the flower mini!

  9. If only I had just the tiniest portion of your brain... Beautiful ticker tape!

    And, I don't think your buttons look like girly parts at all. (Except that they're unevenly sized, and my husband was uncharacteristically fond of them... Ha!)


    LOVE your work!

  10. Your ticker tape flowers are fabulous, how creative you are. You could never get that many boobs so close together so they can't possibly be boobs. Top marks for your black and white pin cushion too!

  11. Looks like jelly filled doughnuts to me. I actually didn't see breasts until you said so, and truly don't see them. I see colorful doughnuts. :)

  12. Your "boobs" quilt looks great... really perky! I'd suggest that if they were age appropriate to me, the buttons should be placed closer to the bottom. LOL!

  13. Ach your ticker tape quilt is of course waaaayy cooler than normal ticker tape quilts - it makes me want to go off and make one right now!

  14. The pincushion looks "galactic-al" (is that a word?) like a galaxy. Very modern. The post previous to mine is quite odd, has nothing to do with quilting... looks like spam.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Until today I had never heard of a ticker tape quilt, so glad you were the one to introduce me to them. Yours is splendid!
    I see umbrellas in your circle quilt but maybe that's because I am from Vancouver and it has been raining for so long I see them in my sleep!!


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!