Friday, October 19, 2012

Something Old

I haven't been sleeping, really!  I've been busy creating a few new ladies which you will meet soon.  In the meantime though, I thought I'd show you a quilt that I created some time ago and sold.  I'm sure by now that you can recognize that this was made using the crayon method.  I called it, "Prairie Flowers" and it was 12 1/2 x 17 1/2.  If you go to the Houston quilt show, look for it in the Blumenthal Lansing booth.  In case you don't know, they are the one of the biggest distributors of buttons in the world and most of my quilts use only their buttons!  (Maybe that's why they like my quilts????  lol)

First, the drawing:

Then the coloring......

And the finished quilt:

"Prairie Flowers"

And a close-up:

"Prairie Flowers" - a close up

So there you have it.  I did do two more quilts which I can show you right after the voting on the 21st for the Little Quilt, Sew, Vote Swap group.  Since my new ladies are still in process, chances are that you might have to wait a week or so to see some of them.  One will be for a Christmas gift, so that one will remain secret for some time, I'm afraid.  Until then, I'm going back to work...........I am having so much fun!


  1. i've said it before and i will say it again. i LOVE your art. your creativity totally amazes me. your drawings make me soooo jealous.. okay, last time i asked about a book, and you said you were too old to do that, soooo how about some patterns? i just spent so much time looking through your flicker pics that i saw so many i would love to try.

  2. This is such a pretty quilt, Carol, makes me it!!! TFS

  3. What a great variety of flowers. I want a bouque of real ones delivered that look just like those!

  4. So fresh and's wonderful.


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!