Monday, December 24, 2012

Wow, I bet you thought I fell off the face of the earth, huh?  I can't remember a longer stretch ever where I didn't post something!  Actually, it was kind of nice.  I mean, I wasn't sewing anyway, so no big deal, right?  In reality.......I am going NUTS from boredom!!!  Yesterday I took a 3 hour nap and then was up half the night wondering why I couldn't sleep.  Duh!!!  I need to get back on schedule! Only two or three more days!  I'm thinking of taking the tree and decorations down the 26th and beat the rush!  LOL  

So, you wonder what I've been doing?  I went to visit a friend who has Havanese puppies for sale.......and believe it or not, didn't even take one home (probably because they were too little yet.)  My friend even bought a costume for them.....note below: 

Then, I thought maybe it was time to clean out my pantry since I hadn't even looked in the whole thing since 2010.  (Sewing really gives you an excuse for all sorts of things, did you ever notice??  Who has time for mundane things like dumb old pantry cleaning??)  After a half a garbage bin of outdated stuff was dumped, it again looks neat and tidy:

And then it snowed..........and I hate snow!  Don't even ask me why I live in Wisconsin.....hello!!!  You'd think by now I would learn that Wisconsin gets SNOW, right?  BUT, my whole family lives here, so I'm sort of stuck!  Doesn't mean though that I can't stay in and just look at it, right?

So, between all that and going out for some breakfasts (which I rarely do), it's been a quiet few days.  I had my gang of 14 here this past Saturday, we had fun, and tomorrow I will finish off the holiday with a close family dinner and gift opening.  I hope all of you are having a relaxing time too.  Isn't it supposed to be about peace and joy?  That's what I thought!

Fear not though........things will be back to normal before you know it!  Until then, live in the moment and enjoy the spirit of the season!!!


  1. Well now that is a beautiful pic of the snow! I would love to see that once in awhile. I get why you live there and don't like snow...I live in Arizona, the hot part, and don't like the extreme heat. But...I try to make the best of it! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too! Sue.

  2. Hi Carol, I love your way to write - funny and colourful as your quilts! That snow looks beutiful but I remember I didn't like it either when I was still in Finland. We have silent and relaxing Christmas this year.
    Oh I already thought you have new sweet puppy! Have a lovely Christmas time! x Teje

  3. Have a wonderful Christmas....I'm surrounded by snow as well.

  4. Merry Christmas, Carol. We don't have snow in southern New Hampshire but apparently we will wake up to a White Chrismtas tomorrow morning. I don't have to go anywhere so it will be nice.

  5. I have a theory that kids like snow so much more than most adults (skiers and snow-boarders excepted) because they don't have to drive in it.

    Merry Christmas.

  6. I don't do snow as a born and bred Florida girl. I don't mind your vacation as long as there are pictures coming after Christmas - I think you said a while back that there were 2 ladies not yet photographed.

  7. can't see that I'm laughing while I read, but I am. Now I gotsta tell you why. I never saw a pantry or even heard of one until my parents bought this old house (I was 10 then)...and it has a pantry. It's like a walk-in closet with shelves all around. So when I saw your pantry...hahaha...sorry, but it struck a funny bone. I wish your pantry were my pantry. Big ones invite lots of junk to be stored!...not just food! LOVE your snow!!! Yay, it's almost time to get back to sewing! Merry Chrstmas!

  8. SO Sorry someone took your cute design and didn't ask. I'm not a fan of snow either. We drove 52 miles to visit family and there was snow, but only rain here in Walla Walla. Hope you can get back to normal sewing schedule in the New Year.


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!