Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Another day, another lady!

I haven't been doing much sewing lately.  Seems I need a break, or diversion, or something.  It just could be that I am sick and tired of winter.  All it does here is snow, snow, snow and I am ready to see green grass instead of crummy white stuff on the ground all the time!!  Ugh!  I'm sick of socks, long sleeved shirts, tons of layers, and warm jackets with my car's seat heaters pushed to the max just to stay warm!  Last year we had 60's in March..........(very unusual, but sooooo wonderful)! Everyone you saw was smiling!  Not so much this year!!!  Ah........NO!

I do have another lovely lady to show you though.  Please meet Tammy!  Lady #38:

#38 Lady - Tammy - the drawing

Tammy's pretty eyes

Lady #38 - Tammy

Here is the photo she sent me to work from:

And here is a picture of Tammy with herself:

Tammy with herself

I just LOVE it when my ladies send me a picture with their quilts.  It's so fun to see how much they actually look like themselves.  (At least I think so....)

My kids came over to make pizzas for my birthday.  I never want a cake...I'm not much of a cake lover.....but I do LOVE homemade pizza and never make it for myself and hubby.  My daughter makes her own crust from scratch and it's amazing!

Homemade Pizzas

Then, I finished up a few swaps with some fantastic mail.  From Kimmie, I got lots of loot, but mainly this gorgeous sewing machine cover:

Flirts Sewing Machine cover from Kimmie

She really nailed my colors, huh?  I could have made it myself, it looks so much like me!

Then, from Lisa, I got this cute pouch plus scraps:

From Lisa - Modern Scrappy Bits Swap 

That's about it!  Today I might meet a friend for lunch.....baring any more snow!  I really believe in stretching out a birthday for a whole week, don't you?  Please celebrate with me and have a fun week yourself!  Until next time...............


  1. At least today there are no needles sticking in body parts! That was all too real! Tammy and Fabric Tammy both look awesome! **bowing to the queen of fabric portraits** I see why you aren't don't want to remove the pretty new cover. Cute pouch too. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!

  2. Just had to say Happy Birthweek. Hope you have a great time and an awesome lyear to come. I also love the sewing machine cover and the pouch. The scraps aren't bad either.

  3. Happy Birthweek! Great machine cover, so you.

  4. Didn't know it was your Birthday. Hope it was the happiest! Gotta love when they listen and give you what you really want for your Birthday. Pizza looks so yummy! I make my own crust too. Lovely Lady once again.

  5. Happy birthday/week/month! The sewing machine cover is so YOU!! Your lady is lovely as always. I hope the snow goes soon and flowers start to bloom in the meantime enjoy those heated seats!!

  6. Happy birthday to you! Love your new lady quilt...gorgeous, and she definitely resembles the owner. The sewing machine cover is so colorful...I can see why you love it, and what a great pouch to receive!

  7. Happy Birthday, Carol! So nice of your family to get together to celebrate. I always love to see your "ladies". You are amazing in getting them to look like their owners. Hope you get over the winter blahs soon!

    Happy Sewing!

  8. Lovely lady as always and fantastic machine cover - looks really "You" - Happy birthday celebrations - drag it out as long as you can!!

  9. Have great 'extended' birthday celebrations, Carol! Tammy looks usual all your lovely little details that makes these quilts so special :-)

  10. Where have you been all my life?! :) Your work is amazing and it's been a real joy to go back through your blogs and view your creations. Thank you so much for sharing!

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  16. Happy Birthday carol! Mine was March 6th and I'm the Big 60!! Those pizzas look quite tasty but I really love the colorful sewing machine cover! It does indeed look like YOU!! Of course the "ladies" are amazing and you have such a knack for making each one look like their owner. My lady is one of my most prized fact, there is a small family "discussion" between my 2 daughters as to who gets "Mama" after I'm gone. I know who will appreciate it the most but making that decision public is going to have to wait for the time being. Keep 'em guessing!
    Gmama Jane
    Today is 70 degrees ans a breeze with forsythia and my daffodils blooming! Yeah spring! I'm headed for Gatlinburg, TN for Mountain Quiltfest this coming week. It's about 5 hrs. from my home but I look forward to this Quiltfest each year. My niece gives us full use of her mountain cabin for the week and it is glorious. The Mountains in early spring and a week of quilting. I'm taking a 2 day quilt class form Harriet Hargrave author of several machine embroidery books.

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  18. Happy Birthday Carol! I hope you had a wonderful week and that spring comes to your part of the country soon!


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