Friday, May 31, 2013

Lady #49 and more Mail Art

While lady #50 continues to fly home, I'd like to introduce you to Lady #49, Terry.  Terry was kind enough to allow me to show you her original photo too:

Lady #49 - Terry

And here is the "real Terry:

Then, I continue to create fun envelopes which seem to be well received.  So far (knock on wood) none of them have gotten lost either.

Mail fun

Fun mail

Fun Mail

Fun envelope already delivered

Mail fun!

Fun mail to Ruthie

Belated BD to Flossie

See......I told you I've been having fun!  All the above have been sent and delivered (although on many of these pictures, I failed to address the envelopes on purpose)'s easier than trying to block out the address since no one wants their private information on the web.  I hope you enjoyed them.  I have close to 40 more all completed so you might be seeing more of this kind of stuff for awhile.  I'm really enjoying my sewing break.  Tomorrow, I might even just start reading a book.  It's been months since I've enjoyed a good novel!

Enjoy your weekend, my friends and happy drawing (or sewing) or whatever!!!  lol


  1. awwwwww, love the blonde girl and those precious shoes! and the 3 bluebirds on the branch with the left end one looking at the beautiful black swallowtail butterfly stamp and the right one looking down at what will be the address. so very special for that recipient. your work is just amazing and I'm inspired yet again!
    thanks for sharing for us to see and I so look forward to more.

  2. Terry is another wonderful lady in fabric! I think it's fabulous that you got into this envelope art. Your envelopes are different and unique compared to all others out there! You are such a talented artist!

  3. Your work is so amazing, Carol!!

  4. You captured her well, Carol! I would pick that little girl envelope too. So cute! Hope you find a good book to read. Marie Bostwick's newest book "Between Heaven and Texas" is a good one.

  5. Always a delight to check out your stuff....loving the mail art too...

  6. Fab Lady - love the blue eyeshadow! The enveloples are lovely I bet the mailservice people really enjoy your creations too!

  7. Your fabric portraits are amazing and wonderful. I cannot get tired of seeing your fun fabulous mail art envelopes. Lucky mail delivery people who get your sendings. Happy Creative Hearts...

  8. Such bright, cheerful, happy envelopes! My favorite is the blue birds on the branch. Your fabric portrait captures Terry beautifully!

  9. I bet the postman loves coming to your house!

  10. No matter WHAT form your artistic talent takes, it is pure magic & I love seeing what you're up to, Carol.

    The strategic placement of the flower stamps are just so creative. Have you heard from YOUR mailman, who picks these up to deliver?
    So fun...they have to make him/her smile.

    Oh & Terry's fabric portrait looks just like her! How DO YOU DO THAT????

  11. I LOVE your ladies. A couple were posted on Pinterest and my daughter thought they were strange when I repinned them:) She doesn't want me to know how crafty she can be:) And your envelopes are fantastic! The recipients are very fortunate to know you, especially since snail mail is not as popular. Hopefully your art will inspire others, like me. Thanks for sharing!


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!