Friday, November 15, 2013

Lady #63, plus other stuff

Well, today is the day!  Today I go see the possible new addition to our family.....eikes!  I must be crazy, but we'll see.  One day I completely poo-poo the idea of a new puppy and the next day, I'm gung-ho, so who knows what might happen?  For now, I am just sitting tight trying to accomplish the stuff I need to do before the upcoming holidays (just in case I have to "puppy housebreak" right around that time too) and my house is a disaster!!  The cookie ingredients are on the counter (I freeze my Christmas cookies way ahead), the sewing machine seems to have taken permanent residence on the kitchen table, as well as the ironing board next to the island, and the dining room is as bad as ever stacked with fabrics and bags of threads.  E-gads!  I'm thinking if I hadn't joined that Christmas swap, I might be more organized now.  My "little extra" that I made for my partner was so appealing to me that I'm making about 40 more........YES, you read that right........40!  I've already placed 3 orders for stuff because it seems I can't stop.  I can't wait to show you, but my partner needs to get it first.  I don't want to spoil the surprise!  Maybe next time!  Here's the little "hint" I posted though:

What can this be, huh????

In the meantime, let me introduce you to Lady #63, Bianca from the Netherlands.  Bianca told me that she has 6 earrings in one ear and 4 in the other, so I gave her some really fancy

Lady #63 - Bianca from the Netherlands

And here is the original photo Bianca sent to me:

She also was kind enough to take a picture with "herself":

Lady #63 (Bianca with "herself")

Then, I suppose you might like to see the envelopes you missed???  Yes, they are still flying out of here like crazy and I must admit that the USPS is delighted every time I place a stamp order online of about $56.  Who knew I'd go so nuts??  (No comments from the peanut gallery, please...!!!) These are the ones I sent to Audrey:

Reader of the week to Audrey

Dinosaur envelope to Audrey

"Gobble gobble"

"Snow" reader to Audrey

And my friend, Annie, got these.....(most ideas which I stole from "Pushing the Envelope".  A blog on my sidebar.)  Bad me!

An owl to Annie

Crazy letter envie to Annie

Copycat from "Pushing the Envelope" blog

What's Up?

So that's it!  I'm hoping that I will be in a better state next week.  Hopefully, by then I will have finished all 40 little fun things I'm making, Lady #64 too, and maybe even my Christmas cookies.  I'm cutting way back on them this year.....usually, I make about 14-17 different kinds, but we all agreed that no one needs the calories anymore, so I'm only doing 5.  (Unless I all of a sudden have a passion for a recipe I!!! )  Until then......stay warm, have fun, and smile lots!!!  And most of all, thanks for being a fan!  Love ya!


  1. Well, once again, I'm so happy with my quilted face! Thank you so much.
    Those envelopes are gorgeous too. Wish I could draw, but I don't, so I won't...
    Have a good weekend!
    Lady #63, a.k.a. Bianca

  2. Well done on Bianca..
    I reckon you're "gonna do it" - bet you can't resist.

  3. I came over to check & see if you had power after those awful storms. I see you've been creating your OWN storm! LOL
    Bianca's portrait is incredible...LOVE her piercing blue eyes! Well done!

    The envelopes crack me up...where do you come up with all these ideas, Carol???? You should leave your brain to science because it is unlike any other I've ever known.

    Warm Hugs,

  4. it's not bad to steal ideas....if you have time, read the book How to Steal Like an Artist. it is full of validation for collecting ideas and recycling them through you own work.


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!