Saturday, December 14, 2013

Still undecided.......

Well, I was pretty much sure that I wasn't going to take a puppy last week when I was down with bronchitis and the snow was coming down a mile a minute....but then I got better and went to visit my breeder friend, Patty, and the babies on Thursday.  Dumb move!  Now I'm all goofy again (no comments from the peanut gallery please......)!!!  You have to admit that this first picture is waaaay cute!  All 10 puppies from both litters crammed together for a little nap.  Funny how they stick with their litter mates even then.  

Then, last night, Patty e-mails me this picture!  OMG......can I resist?  He's 7 weeks old here and is still such a tiny little thing at not even 2 lbs yet.  Be still my heart................

On another note, my list is getting shorter for the holidays.  The dining room table is cleaned off, the decorations are up, the cookies are all made, cards sent out (after decorating each envelope....see below), shopping and wrapping completed and all I have left is last minute things.  I love it when I can relax with a good book right before all the hubbub and enjoy my house in it's festive glory.  It makes this time of year even more special!

I got my package from my Flirts partner, Liz, yesterday.  If you recall, I did the "easy" group in the Christmas swap.

So many presents from Liz

My Flirts Christmas package from Liz

She lives in Sweden and sent me a Swedish Christmas.  How fun!  I can't wait to try the tea....I've never had Swedish tea before! And look at those pretty coasters.  Wow!  How fun!

Oooppps, almost forgot to show you the envelopes.  I bought Christmas cards, and decided that the envelopes looked too plain, so decorated them to somewhat match the cards.  I must say, it was a bigger project than I had expected.  I originally bought 36 cards, but after checking my card list, noted that I needed 24 more, so went to the store to buy more.  Thankfully, I was smart enough in the beginning to make a template so all I had to do was trace each image on the envelope.   I love the result though:

48 decorated Christmas card envelopes....

My sweet niece and friends are still receiving colored envelopes.  Here are the latest:

Painting the town red

Santa envelope to Audrey

Goofy reindeer envelope to Audrey

Busy Elf #1

Busy Elf #2

I'm almost out of Christmas fun envelopes so good thing we're getting down to the wire.  I think I have about 5-6 left.  Hope you're smiling!

So, that's about the news.  Like they say, no news is good news, huh?  Stay warm my friends and enjoy the season!!  Until next time................


  1. Your post office must be so happy to see your envelopes go through their place. It's like a card for them too.

  2. Oh Carol...haven't commented in a while but continue to love your envelopes and am still enjoying doing some simple ones, too. Wish I had your artistic talent. I have not gotten any cards out this year but must do some in the next few days. I love the ornament stamps hanging from the pine branch! Got some of those stamps. Also the gingerbread house stamps but have not seen anything "steal worthy" to try out--or that I could attempt. Been watching Jean Wilson's blog as well. Those stamps are just too cute. I have a great friend who makes me an elaborate gingerbread structure each year--could be a lighthouse, ski chalet, barn with reindeer in pen outside, farmhouse--they are masterpieces. I've got to come up with something for those stamps.

  3. and by the way, those puppies are just too sweet. And I am doing my best trying NOT to get a pet at this stage of my life. But it would be very hard to resist that little fella!

  4. I love how you used the ornament stamps as part of your design.

  5. That little face is very hard to resist!

  6. OMGosh - its like that little puppy is reaching out to you - I think the breeder knows what she is doing . .
    I love those envelops for your cards - people wont be able to throw that out.
    we are more than warm here thanks so I will send some of the heat to you!
    And love the ltest lady.

  7. Go ahead and get that puppy!!!! That baby is too cute to pass up. My little Yorkie was the runt of the litter and she is almost 2 years old and still only weighs 4 pounds. So much joy she brings to DH and me!!!!

  8. Love the swap package. The coasters are awesome. I especially like those festive trees. The envelopes are all so fun. You've sure got a busy bunch of cute elves!

  9. All I can say is I wouldn't be strong enough to resist such a sweet puppy. Love the envelopes!

  10. Well you already have one dog so another won't really make that much difference...except in the cuteness department!!!!
    Have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy relaxing in your home, it is no doubt well deserved!

  11. Get the puppy!!!! You know you won't regret it!

  12. Coasters from heaven and your cards are super duper cute as always!!

    Now all you need is some homemade pecan fingers to nibble on;)(Courtesy of this Carol I know) I made some myself today per hubby's request:)

    Stay warm!

  13. I am SOOOO impressed with your holiday spirit,'re way ahead of me! Haven't even started cookie baking & my tree MIGHT get done today. Its been up since T'day with lights but no ornaments.

    Your Christmas cards are a delight...we both smiled at your artwork & it is now hanging, along with others on my sewing room wall.

    I'm glad you're feeling better!


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!