Saturday, February 8, 2014

Another boring week…..

Maybe one of these weeks I'll have something exciting to tell you……(we can only hope!!)  Actually, at my age, I have come to appreciate boring!  Who needs more aches, pains, flu bugs, or bad news?  Just give me snow and cold and curling up with a good book, or sending out already finished fun envelopes.  Those and humdrum household duties have become my mainstay lately (although I did work on two pincushions this week……amazingly!)  You have no idea how happy I am that I didn't get a puppy to train this winter…..whew!  It's been a dilly here!  Spring can't come soon enough!

Here are the few envelopes I sent off this week:

And then, Amazon continues to love me……..two deliveries this week!  E-gads!  I think I'm done ordering for awhile until I catch up!  I do have two "Lady" orders too so I won't be reading as fast.

This week I read:         "A Week in Winter"                    by  Maeve Binchy
                                     "The Light Between Oceans"     by  M L Stedman
                                     " Me Before You"                       by  JoJo Moyes

All of them were good, but I enjoyed "Me Before You" the most.  It was a real tear jerker!!  Just this afternoon I started "The Kept" by James Scott.  It's one of the few hardcover I bought, mainly because it is a debut book and I LOVE debuts.  So far, I'm not real impressed and the story seems a bit "dark" so we'll see.

So that's it!  Another boring, but comforting week.  I finished my pincushion for the pincushion swap, got two lady orders, and have been thinking about the QT swap "house" mini quilt that I must have done by the end of March.  I'll probably be sewing again this next week!  Too bad I never thought about audio books, huh?  I probably could use them this week.  I just might have to take a swing to the library!!  Ummmm…..!!  Have a great week, my friends!  Stay warm!


  1. Long time since I visited and I see you are doing more art envelopes and reading rather than sewing. I suppose we all need a break. But I do miss your sewing projects ever SEW much!!
    Lady #19 (I think that's my number)
    Gmama Jane

  2. Hi!!! I love your envelopes!!! They are always so sweet and cheerful!!! Thank You

  3. Winter is a time of reflection and new beginnings to come. Reading is a wonderful way to spend time. Fun fabulous artsy envelopes. Enjoy your comforting weeks dear...

  4. That sounds like a great idea... listening to an audio book while sewing. It might wreak havoc on the sewing concentration though, eh? Such fun envelopes. That soccer sweetie is a kick!

  5. So always! I think that you will like the audio books, Carol. We usually get them from the library when we travel but I got one once when Tim was in the hospital for a while and I needed something to listen to while I smocked and embroidered. It was a life saver...mine!!!LOL

  6. Yes i just finished : Me before you...great author Jojo moyes.


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!