Saturday, October 25, 2014

The sun is coming out...

It looks like it will be a beautiful fall day here today, and I'm all for that!  Temps are supposed to be unusually warm (high 60's low 70's) for the next three days and I'm all for that too!  Lately, we've been having hard frosts every morning and everything is all white when I wake up.  Ugh!  Winter is coming!  I can't believe that there are only 6 more days to October.  Seems like I was just starting to send out Halloween envelopes to my girlies and now I only have two more to send out next week to finish up.

Here are the ones I sent this week.  Many times I do duplicates for each one so that they both get identical books and envelopes the same day.  (I can't think of too many at one time, you know.  lol)

Then, naturally, I read a few books……….and NO, for all you wonderers out there……the sewing machine is still not out yet, although I have been thinking about it.  One of these days I have to decide what I'm going to do because now it's bothering me that I have bins stacked full of fabric all over our bedroom.  I'm feeling like a hoarder……eikes!

Anyway, these are the books I read this week and believe it or not, they were all from the library.

THE SILENT SISTER                     by                       Diane Chamberlain
BONES NEVER LIE                       by                       Kathy Reich
FORGET ME                                 by                        KA Harrington

They were all really good, but the first two were the best.  For some reason, I read faster when I'm reading mysteries.  I guess I'm anxious to see what happens, huh?

So, that's it!  Hubby has been busy all week replacing all the lightbulbs in our house with LED bulbs.  Seems a friend told him how much he saves on his electric bill so my honey decided we needed to do it too.  Too bad he spent close to $400 on bulbs and that was with a buy two, get one free deal.  Can you believe it?  I almost flipped when he told me!!   If I did something that stupid, I'd get shot!!  Seriously!    Now my question is this…..what year, do you think, will we ever break even????  I hate to wonder!

Have a good week my friends!  And keep tabs on your husbands… just never know what crazy ideas they get!!


  1. Those husbands are a breed of their very own I say. I am thankful you are having sunshine and we are having just a few little raindrops. Even if we get 1/4 inch I will be happy. Always love your envelopes. Oh how fabric does accumulate. Falling into Autumn Bliss...

  2. Do you watch Bones? Kathy Reich is one of the producers of that show I believe.

  3. Fun Halloween envelopes for your girls. Reading is always good. My cataract is ruining that enjoyment for me at the moment. I like Bones the TV series, so I imagine the book is quite good. I'm not even going to touch the light bulb fiasco....LoL

  4. If he ever complains about another fabric purchase...just point to a light bulb and smile.
    400 bucks...that is crazy, not just him, but overall...400 bucks for lightbulbs...insane.
    Have a good week and enjoy some outside time!

  5. Love all your envelopes. Wish I could draw like that. I would still be on the floor from shock if my other half came home and said he spent $400.00 on light bulbs...Oh wait does that mean you can spend the same amount of fabric? Enjoy the nice weather


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