Sunday, November 30, 2014

Just call me, slacker!

I dunno, it seems like I was busy all week, but when I want to list stuff, nothing comes to mind!  I do have all my Christmas cookies made and frozen, my house decorated, almost all the shopping done and wrapped, cards written, stamped and addressed so I'm pretty well set!  I do have a craft project to go yet and I'm so worried that I'll screw it up that I have been putting it off.  (For sure you will see it here though once I finish it!!)

I did send off a few books in the envelopes below.  My little girlies love to get mail!

Didn't read one book!  (The 2nd week of no reading…..shame on me!!)  With over 50 on my to-read book list, I better get going!  Thankfully though, I have only ordered one book from Amazon lately.

If you really want something cool to see, check out my sideboard and go to the FREEZEFRAME blog listed there.  Annie made some adorable and oh-so creative gift tags!  That girl just flips me out for the stuff she has been making lately!  YOU will love it too!  Go now………..


  1. don't think you did much??? I'd say you did just fine! My house is decorated...I have so much stuff sitting around. I love it all, but sometimes I feel the walls closing in...I was tempted to pack it all back up and add to it with the regular stuff that sits around. But, I just put away some stuff and cleared up the boxes...all better now. Tomorrow I will clean and it should all be okay...I hope! Have a good week! Sue.

  2. Wow...did you read all that you have accomplished in this busy season. I have done exactly none, zip, nada, zero of these holiday events. Kudos to you dear. Really cute envelopes. Sharing Joy and Jingles...

  3. Wow you sound super organised! I have thought about cards....that's all! Your envelopes are amazing!

  4. Where did that cute upside-down bird come from?! I missed that one with my shoddy internet connections for only a couple of hours in the mornings. I wish I were as far along as you are, but for me I'm getting things prepared at a pretty good pace. It's definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Thanks so much for your sweet words about my Christmas greeting tags! It was a challenge to envelope them so I hope they travel well.

  5. Sounds like you've been plenty busy, Carol!! I'm always so impressed with all that you accomplish, esp. those darling drawings. Loved the upside down bird...too fun.

    I'll go check out Freezeframe's blog next...thanks for the tip.
    Stay warm!!

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