Saturday, January 3, 2015

It's so hard to believe…….

It's so hard to believe that I'm old enough to have a daughter (my baby) who is 38 years old today!!  Where have the years gone?  Seems like yesterday when I was dropping her off for her weekly baton lessons or making costumes for competitions and then too when she joined "Accompany of Kids" and had practice twice a week and performed all over the state in that song and dance group.  It seems like yesterday!  'Course, I doubt if I'd have the stamina to do all that anymore!!!  Naps are more my style now, I'm afraid…….sigh!!  The years are creeping up.  EIKES!!

You'll be happy to hear though that my sewing machine is back on my dining room table and that last week, I not only completed the mini swap quilt I agreed to do, BUT, I also made another one in addition.  (That's what happens when I get two ideas I can't get out of my head.  Duh!)  So, my partner will be surprised!  Here are two sneak peeks………the theme was black and white plus one other color and she chose pink as hers.

Of course, I sent envelopes to my sweeties too:

And, I read one (yes, only ONE) book:

VANISHED                  by                 Irene Hannon

It was okay, but nothing to write home to mama about!  This week I will be working on Lady #73,  (don't get too excited, Ellyn!!), so I doubt if I'll get much reading done then either.  It's funny…..when I sew, I sew and when I read, I read and for some dumb reason, I can't mix the two.  Strange!  First things first, I guess.  lol

You all have a nice week too!  It's snowing here for the first time this year and covering the green grass we have been looking at for months…….I suppose it's time, huh?  I was sorta wishing we could go through a whole winter once with no snow, but that was really a crazy wish for Wisconsin, I suppose!  Duh!  Where is my brain????  Take care, my friends and do something fun this week!  You deserve it!



  1. How can I not be excited! If you're going to blow off reading this week I'm glad it's for me :::giggle::: your minis look intriguing! can't wait to see them

  2. Aargh! Sneak peeks are maddening when there doesn't seem to be a hint of the design. Or maybe there is a hint and I just don't see it. See?...maddening! LoL In any case, you just can't go wrong with B&W and one color. Can't wait to see it. As always the mail art is adorable.

  3. Happy New Year, Carol! I am so glad that you are sewing again. Your work is such an inspiration to others. I see your designs all over Pinterest! I hope your holidays were memorable and enjoyable. We had everyone (21 people) here for a sit down formal dinner on Christmas. I can't understand why this tires me out more than it used to when I had two little ones running around!?! I still FEEL 37! LOL Blessings for a healthy and happy New Year!

  4. Glorious to be sewing! Love the black and white with hot pink. Your envelopes are always such fun! Creative Bliss...

  5. Happy New Year!

    It will be great to see some sewing again...not that I dislike your drawings but - I love the fabric creations.

  6. Love the "Cat Burgler" envelope!! Haha!
    I agree that it is hard to focus on too many things at once. I can either sew a lot or do tablescaping arrangements or cook...not everything at once...not enough hours in the day! My sister complains of being bored. I'm NEVER bored...I bounce from one thing to the next, always learning something new.

    We supposed to finally get some snow this week. I hope so otherwise, they'll be yelling "drought" come summer & restricting water usage.

    Talk to you soon & can't wait to see the rest of those black/white/pink photos.

  7. I always love to see your work..drawing or sewing it all makes me smile. Can't wait to see the rest of that black, white, and pink mini. It is going to be awesome.

  8. The holidaze are finally over for us, and sadly my son and his family are on their way home to Kentucky. Those kids of his...and that wife! I love them all. I did start putting my sewing/craft/computer room back together. I have some sewing ideas swishing around...we shall see what happens. I have discovered a love for knitting and a serious love of good yarn...that kind of takes my fabric money. New things are fun, huh? Hope you are somewhat warm back there! Warm wishes! Sue.

  9. Oh, my dear friend, Happy New Year!!!
    And Happy Birthday! to your daughter.
    Yes, it is hard to believe she's 38 years old, when YOU are so young!! (Just look at those envelopes you made...I love them!)
    Hugs, hugs, and warm wishes to you,


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!