Sunday, May 16, 2010

Love it!

Do you remember this:

PQS3 to Terrie

It was one of my all time best Explore pics...and my latest swap placemat to Terrie. Well, because I was so inspired with everyone's cross quilts on flickr and then eventually making that placemat, that I just couldn't quit. I HAD to make a big one for me too and since I already had so many reds and off whites, I just continued in a bigger vein.

And then the trimming process:  (I just love seeing all those fabrics all smushed together.  it makes for such a fab pic!  No fair yelling at me for dumping those bigger pieces!!)
I just got it back from the quilter on Thursday and bound it right away.  I ALWAYS have my bindings ready to go right after I finish a bigger quilt since I know I'll be involved in another project later and would hate to stop to decide what to put on something I already did once I got it back.  That's just me though.....

Red and White Cross Quilt

And the back.......see the tiny one on the bottom right? That piece was left from the placemat, so I just appliqued it right on there! Cool, huh?

Back of Cross Quilt


  1. Wow weeeeeeee Carol! This looks awesome! Fantastic job, I love the back, really love it. :)

  2. How wonderful!
    I love red & white, absolutely gorgeous!

  3. It's very striking! Nice job. I love the little cross on the back. What a nice touch!

  4. Sigh. Another beauty. You're giving me a complex (in a good way). I must get more projects done!!! It's outstanding Carol, and I love how she quilted it, too.

  5. fantastic!! I love this..


    Why do you not have a table on your sewing machine? How are you able to piece without it?

  6. LOVE IT! You have given me a terrific idea! Thank you SO MUCH!


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!