Thursday, May 13, 2010

The mail hath cometh!

It's been real exciting around here every afternoon lately when the mail comes.  Either there are tiny little envelopes with 3.5 mini blocks for the QT Mini swap (and you'll see those when I get them all), or checks from wonderful ladies ordering Christmas Tree skirt patterns (I had to get that in, you know), and also things from other swappers to me.  The latest was from a very talented artist, Kim, or "bahamadawn".  Funny, but I always thought her name would be Dawn until we were swappers.  LOL  She's actually from the Bahamas though and I suppose the dawns there are must see her talent:

April  QT Mini Swap

Not only did she send the lovely mini quilt which she hand painted, and hand stitched, and I believe made the copper labels for, she also made me a gorgeous journal cover (and journal) as well as a darling home made card to match. You must see her things.......go look now! She even makes jewelry and paints pictures.  

Then, on the same day, if you can believe, I got the most wonderful package from, "marblesbestfriend", Debbie. She had my name in the ORBC (I think those are the right letters???) swap. This girl was GOOD! She stalked me and discovered that I should receive this:

ORBC Swap April/May

Funny thing is that "Rainy Days and Mondays'' is my latest passion fabric (other than some I haven't ordered yet) and I hadn't even showed my hoard to anyone, nor had I even started a project with it yet. I do have something in mind though, so it won't take long. Thank you Debbie! You are a MARVELOUS stalker!! I am touched by your insight.

So, that's it for this week so far. There are a few more things coming and I am working on a few things too. So stay tuned....


  1. fabulous mini's! fun and inspiring! I'm loving that rainy days fabric, I had not seen that! the polka dots are pretty fantastic too. happy playing with those!

  2. Super colorful and fun. I love the little flowers. And "Rainy Days" fabric - super scruptious!!

  3. Those are some 'tasty' fabrics!!!


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