Did you think I was dead? Me too, there for awhile! I've only become among the living since yesterday, really, but prior to that, I really wondered if I'd ever have the ambition or strength again to sew in my whole life (a little dramatic maybe, but in many ways, the truth!!) Some "bug" hit me like a ton of bricks and one day I even was in bed most of the day. I was thinking that I had nothing to show you since I haven't had the machine out for days, but then it occurred to me that you hadn't seen the "Diet Pepsi" disaster. Actually, it's not so bad now, but at the time, WOW!
I had a quilter friend here and had just poured us glasses of Diet Pepsi as I was flailing my hands in wild quilt talk (and I'm not even an Italian...you know how it is), and whoosh....the whole glass (with ice) all over my just finished to the point of hand stitching, doll quilt. It was dripping brown. I quick ran for the sink, while my friend sopped up the mess on the table, floor, my flosses, etc. We thought it'd be fine since I had rinsed it right away, but as it dried throughout the day, stains were showing more and more and the back was a mess. I knew, I'd either have to give it a good bath, or make another one.
I did both! I was more careful with my quilting the second time and it looks a bit better, but the first one's not bad either and I think that maybe it might be used as an angel doll quilt in the latest doll swap. Who knows? Anyway, I thought you might like to see them both.
And the two of them together. Note that I used different floss on the "washed" one. It gave it just a more refined look, I think.