I can hardly believe it, myself, but this.................yes, THIS..........is my 300th post! I added them all up and that's how come I know! Who knew I'd ever get to this point when I started blogging? Not me, that's for sure! I still have my "Blogging for Dummies" book that bought that started this whole mess, too! I should have taken a picture of it! With the amount of computer knowledge I have, you KNOW that this is a miracle!! Actually getting through that book was a miracle since I didn't have a clue half the time on what they were talking about!!! (Good thing I have smart friends to help me, huh? I'm sooooo thankful for them!! YOU know who you are, you sweetie, you!!! And for the other one too, who has helped me lots! And made my awesome blog header.)
I thought we should celebrate! Dontcha think? A long time ago, I was blessed with this:
Now, I've thought of various things I could do with all those various 21 fat quarters of red since I got it, but believe it or not, I think I already have most of them in my big "solids" bin which is the size of a small coffin. (Seriously, I could bury a child in that bin!! Just ask my friends!) But, I'm getting off subject.......back to the stack! I think I will bless a follower with it! How would that be? Hopefully, it won't take me a week to get back here to announce the winner. I don't know what my problem is lately.......although my back has been bothering me and I'm really not sewing much. I've been pumping Advil like it's going out of style!!
Just leave a note on what you think you'd make..........maybe you'll inspire me! I think I need it! So get your thinking caps on. I'm sure you'll come up with something good!