Saturday, March 19, 2011


January 1, 1999 - March 18, 2011

Hi Mom!

Goodbye my precious baby!  I loved you so much!


  1. Dear Carol, how sad! My thoughts are with you. Cherish all the wonderful moments you have had with her.

  2. My heart goes out to you. I know what you must be feeling as I recently lost my beloved cat. It's like losing a child. Hugs.

  3. Oh what a cutie, I'm so sorry for you. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

  4. Sooooo sorry! We are dog people too!

  5. I'm so sorry. I have a ten year old doxie and keep reminding myself that I need to spend every minute I can with him as he won't be around that much longer. Warm Hugs, Toni

  6. Ahhh Carol, we also had a bichon frise and I sew remember the day we said goodbye. Broke my heart then and now today, I sew share your sadness. They are the most delightful companions and they fill our hearts with sew much love, that in the days ahead, your wee Emmy will still and always be felt in the depth of your heart.Duvet(our bichon) now has a new pal too to play with...they looked very much alike...

  7. I'm so sorry. I have a 12 year old whippet who is starting to fail and I can't even imagine the day I will have to say goodbye. I know your heart must be aching. Just try to remember all the joy she brought you and how you made her life happy.

  8. I am so very sorry you have lost your good friend! May God Bless and Keep you both.

  9. We lost our little bichon frise about a year ago today and I still miss her. She was such a bundle of joy! I am grieving your Emmy right along with you! Cherish the memories that you have of her!

  10. Carol, I am so sorry that you lost your little furbaby......may your heart be comforted by all the wonderful memories you have of her...

  11. I too have a Bichon- Poo mix named Sammy. I am so sorry for your loss, they are like children.

  12. Aww how sad! I am so sorry for your loss, I hate to say goodbye to beloved pets they are such a part of us. May the memories be vivid now and forever! My deepest heart felt sympathy!

  13. Huge hugs. Words are simply not enough at times like this. Beautiful memories to treasure always
    Chris xxx

  14. I am so very sorry that you lost your friend.

  15. I am so sorry. It is so hard to lose our little best friends. Hugs to you today.

  16. Carol:
    I am so sorry at the loss of your beautiful companion. I hope loving memories might ease your sadness.
    My heart is with you!

  17. Carol, my heart is aching for you in your loss. I too have a bichon and I dread the day we have to say goodbye to her. She is such a bright spot in every day and I am sure Emmy was the same. May your happy memories of her and the love she shared with you comfort you as you grieve for her.

  18. My heart hurts with you. blessings, marlene

  19. sending cyber-hugZ...i'm very sorry for your loss.

  20. Oh, I am so sorry, how swwet she looks......

  21. So sorry for you loss. A dog gives love in it's purest form. Smile at the memories of your sweet Emmy.

  22. Oh Carol. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  23. As my boys would say, "That sucks." So sorry to hear you lost your sweet friend.

    I'd love to see a memorial quiltie. Wouldn't it be fun to FMQ little curls of fur. I bet it would make you laugh too.

  24. What a sweet smile!! I am so sad for you. Emmy had a wonderful life and home--I can tell from this picture. Hugs.

  25. Hi Carol, My heart goes out to you. Our Bischone Chloe passed after 18 lovely years. We know your pain.

  26. oh that must hurt. Our dogs are such a gift to us. All the best.

  27. Sending my sympathies and condolences on your loss of your beloved family member.
    I do feel your pain, my 16 year old cat passed last Saturday. I am grieving as I know you are...

  28. Oh Carol, I am so sorry to hear about your dear little dog and friend. I don't have dogs any more, still miss my old companions, but have very happy memories of them. My heart goes out to you.

  29. Awe Carol I'm sorry your pup.. Hugs MM

  30. I am very sorry that you lost such a dear and beautiful friend. My thoughts are with you.

  31. Oh Carol, I'm so very sorry for your dear puppy's loss. God Bless you and very warm heart hugs are being sent to you ... hugs.

  32. Oh Carol, so very sorry for your heartache. Hope that happy memories will ease the emptyness. xx

  33. Extending our deepest sympathies. I know your feeling of pain and loss, and hope that soon you'll be left with only happy memories.
    Hugs from FL,
    Donna, Kes and Fezzik ^..^

  34. Oh Carol, I'm so sorry. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

  35. Carol, what sad news. I'm so sorry your sweet girl is gone.

  36. I"m so sorry to hear of your loss. It is so hard to get on without them. You are in my prayers.

  37. I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our beloved Shih Tzu, Bailey recently and I am still grieving.

  38. Oh must feel so hollow and empty inside! You're in my thoughts....hugs Suz

  39. I'm so sorry! We lost our little buddy last fall and I still miss him terribly. Hugs from TN.

  40. Carol, I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet friend. Cry and remember the good times and the not so good times and then laugh and cry some more. I still get weepy for my Opus.

  41. Carol, I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your precious Emmy.

  42. Hi Carol
    I couldn't help but let know I know how much you miss your baby. Just remember all the fun you had with her and how happy you made her life. Its all that matters.
    xx, Carol

  43. It's tough losing a friend.

    I'm sorry.


  44. Hugs hugs and more hugs dear friend.

  45. Huge hugs and much love, so sorry.

  46. Sending you hugs on the loss of your family member. :(

  47. Sooo sorry for losing a very loyal friend, I know how that feels!
    Hope you can remember her soon with a smile instead of tears.


  48. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry for your loss. Sending a big hug your way.

  49. Sending you many hugs and doggie kisses from me and Dusty,
    Mary Ann

  50. Carol,

    So sorry for the loss of your dog.

    Sending hugs,

  51. Oh Carol, I'm so sorry. It is tough to lose a pet and I know she was a member of your family. (Hugs),

  52. What a sad day for you, Carol! Funny how I never knew her name was "Emmy" always called her "dumb-dog" when we spoke. LOL
    I know there is a hole in your heart & a very empty feeling in your house right now. I'm so sorry for your loss.


  53. All dogs go to heaven! May Emmy rest in peace.

  54. So sorry for you loss. Sending hugs.

  55. I'm so sorry Catol. I know how heavy your heart is right now. I'm thinking of you. Losing a pet is such a hard thing as it's like losing your best friend.


  56. I'm so sorry Carol.

    I wanted to talk to you the other day when you were in the shop but I knew I couldn't without turning into a blubbering mess.

  57. i am so very, very sorry Carol!! i am sure you gave her many wonderful years! (((hugs)))

  58. Carol, My heart is with you. It is amazing how much we love our pets and how very much we miss them. hugs.

  59. So sorry for the loss of your family member. May the memories comfort you during this difficult time.

  60. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Just look at the photo and remember the good days!

  61. I can understand how much it is painful, I also have a bichon and he's a member of my life. Take care

  62. Dear Carol - What a dear sweet friend you had - so sorry to here she is gone, you were lucky to have her. take care!!


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