Tuesday, March 22, 2011

LIfe goes on....

Before anything, I must thank all you marvelous readers on all your blessings and exclamations of sympathy for our loss of our sweet, Emmy.  Saturday was a tough day, and although it has been exceptionally quiet in this house, it has been raining constantly since Sunday and I'm not unhappy about letting a dog in and out of the house all wet.  Nor, am I upset when our bed is not shaking because our dog (who slept with us) was afraid of thunder and lightning and NO ONE dare sleep while that is happening!  I do however, miss the growl every time someone sneezes.  Sneezing was not allowed in our house, you know!! LOL   She didn't like that at all!!  I also miss so much else......much too much to mention.  I'm sure you know what I mean.  Seems every loved pet has something special that makes them unique.  At this point we aren't sure if we will adopt again.  It's too early......but if it happens, I will be sure to let you know.

In the meantime, I have been sewing.  I sent out a STUD mini quilt to Ruthie who was my partner for the theme, "favorite things".  Ruthie likes:  Wizard of Oz, owls and birds, schrooms with rooms, embroidered/embellished, and bird nests and branches.  No schrooms with rooms, but the tree has one, and please note the lions tail on the right side of the "golden brick road".  Everything else, I think I nailed.  She loved it.

STUD-favorite things for Ruthie

Then, I was the first one to be done with the doll swap.  I had sent my quilt to my partner earlier in the week, and yesterday received mine from "boutiquenutmegdesigns"..(Meg).  She nailed my likes to a T.

DQS10 received from BoutiqueNutmegDesigns

Then, just for fun, I sewed this little number.  It seems I'm really into red and white lately......I'm thinking it's my sympathy for the Japanese people, who knows, although I do love red and white anyway.  I even think the next thing I make is also going to be red and white.  Why I'm thinking in only those colors is beyond me.

"Confetti Squares"

I showed this to the owner of my LQS this morning and she asked when I was going to write a big pattern for it.  ????????  Good question, and perhaps that might be in the cards too.  I better do it soon though so I don't forget what I did.  Duh!

So, you see, I'm still alive and probably working harder than ever.  At least for now......thank you all again for your sweet words and love.  It means so very, very much to both me and my DH!!  I've read every one of your comments to him too.  And we cried together.  But, that's good......

Smooches to all of you!!!!!


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE that owl quilt!!!

  2. Love everything! The red and white is marvelous!

    Please give yourself some time to grieve, then find a place in your heart to adopt another little furry child. There are so many out there just looking for a wonderful forever home such as yours.

    I also say I won't adopt any more, as my heart breaks when I lose one, but I also know that when the time is right, there will be a furry child in need just waiting for me...

  3. Those are all fabulous!! The owl one is adorable and the "quilting" one is so perfect for you. Wouldn't that red and white make a great full sized quilt???

    The loss of a loved pet is always so difficult. I always love it when I can move beyond the loss and see the positives in the situation. It must be part of the healing process.

  4. The owl quilt is marvelous and I love the red and white quilt you made.....the one you received is lovely also.....

  5. As always, your quilts are beautiful ... I'm really enthralled with the red and white. Very striking. :) Take care!

  6. Your quilts, again, are stunning, and the DQS you received is fabulous. I nearly gasped out loud when I saw your red and white quilt as you have created an idea that has been tumbling around in my brain for a little while, and have done it beautifully! I love love love this, and now am even more determined to create my version, just so I can compare!
    I know what a hard thing it is to loose a beloved family member, so do take care. Hugs to you.

  7. as usual ALl your work is fabulous!

  8. Carol I'm going to have to write a post about you I think - I've almost become a stalker! :) I love your work and I try to use what I see you do as a springboard for doing my own but they end up looking like you! I made a small wall hanging of your bunny with the bird on his head last week - he's just so cute! And your red and white piece today, like all of your red and white that I've seen, is just wonderful. You really must write some patterns! I'll be a good customer, I promise. :) blessings, marlene

  9. I'm glad to hear you have been keeping your mind and hands busy during this sad time.
    Even though it is excruciating to lose a family member (and pets are family members), just imagine never having had the chance to know them at all.
    She knows you loved her and now you have a special Guardian Angel watching over you!
    I hope you can feel my hug across the miles!

  10. Yes indeed! You and your art are inspirations to us all. And yours is a friendly blog, like walking into a compfy welcoming home.

    You may or may not adopt another dog. If you do, you will see something in its eyes, or demeanor or waggy tail that will win your heart. That's when you will know you will.
    xx, Carol

  11. Loving the doll quilt. Sheer happiness looking at the mini star block inside the doll quilt. How wonderful the polka dot border next to the white and colorful squares pops with sweetness!! And Whoooo wouldn't love the big, bright moon quilt. Full of mysterious wonder! Thanks for sharing!

  12. These are all just fantastic fabric creations, Carol!!! I ♥ the one you sent out & also the one you received, too. Darling, Darling, Darling!!

    Yes, do hurry & write down the measurements for cutting that red & white quilt. I'm sure there are lots of people who would love to make it & think of the variety of color combinations they could come up with!!

    Hugs to you, my friend,

  13. ahhhhhh yes we do carry on, but not without some very tender moments to remind us of the love we once shared...I can't imagine LIFE without them, they make us better people...and they give us their hearts when they go---sew we can continue to fill them with passion and look, they work their magic..they become inspiration for us all...LOOK at what you can do when you have one HEART...oh yes... Love your new creations...they have HEART!


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!