Friday, June 3, 2011

Gallery Showing??

Did you read that?  Gallery Showing from my Local Quilt Shop at the exclusive Watermark Condos?  

Featuring who?  Local Wisconsin artists?  Me?  An artist?  Guess so........see it in set up mode:

And here my stuff is in another view the night of the opening.  With wine and snacks too, l"ll have you know.....and a showing of their $500,000 condos.  Whew.....a bit beyond my blood, thank you, but beautiful!!!  Gorgeous high ceilings, windows galore, and amazing kitchens.

I suppose I should have taken pictures of that instead, huh?  After all, you've seen most of my stuff already anyway.  LOL  Next time, I will......promise!


  1. What an honor. You must be pleased!

  2. How exciting! I'll bet it was a fun evening:@)

  3. Whoo Hoo, Carol!! Way to go!!! :) Hugs!

  4. Wow! You go girl!!! Of course you are a quilt artist Carol- I been saying that for ages now, so start believing it!

  5. Your quilts look gorgeous there! You need to buy one of those condos to have a place to show off the quilts - LOL.

  6. Congratulations. Looks fantastic in that apartment.

  7. way to go!! so impressive to have a showing :)

  8. Who cares about condos, I prefer to see your works of art :)

  9. How exciting for you. Who wants to see the condos? I'd rather look at quilts!

  10. What an honor - and I agree with other - who cares about over priced condos!! We want to see the 'art'!! Congratulations.

  11. Congratulations on a beautiful gallery showing. Your work stands out as true ART!

  12. Congratulations, Carol! Your quilts certainly livened up those white walls. They all looked stunning. I received my pattern today of Confetti Squares. It's wonderful, and I think my son would like it. You must be close to Elm Grove. Patched Works is a fabulous store. I twist my husband's arm to stop in there when we are in the neighborhood. He grew up in New Berlin.

    Leslie S. in MN
    esclante at comcast dot net

  13. Congratulations Carol! I hope you don't forget all of us when you become famous. (although you're already Flickr famous)

  14. Congratulations Carol - yes you ARE an artist!

  15. YOU are an ARTIST, and I am honored truly honoring for knowing you and celebrating in your success...clap clap hurray hurray, Carol is now here to play lol..

  16. Right where your amazing work belongs! You are an artists in every sense of the word! congrats ! The gallery really sets off your work!

  17. I think the condos make better quilt gallery space than living space! Honestly, they should consider using a few quilts strategically displayed even after they furnish a sample unit.

    Really shows off your pieces well!

  18. Wow Carol, how fabulous!

  19. Congratulations. Your quilts look so fabulpous and fresh hanging there!!

  20. congratulations, what a great venue to show your vibrant work, Carol! I've never seen that red and white quilt - it's such an interesting design! Did anyone offer to buy any of your pieces? Were they for sale?

  21. Wow, that must've been something. You're amazing! =)

  22. Cool beans to have had your art on display! Congrats!


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