Friday, August 12, 2011

Francine - #1 in a series

You know me.......the grass doesn't grow under my feet long until I'm engrossed in something new!  Since I had such fun creating my swap partner in fabric for the "Love of Solids" swap (yet to be unveiled), I thought maybe a series of ladies faces might be interesting.

I got out my paper and pencils and went to town.  Originally I thought I'd capture my friends in fabric (and that still might happen), but it was just so much easier just to play in the beginning and the more I drew, the bigger my smile became!  After awhile, it was just a matter of which one should I do first?

"Francine" just begged me to make her though!  (She told her her name as I was doing know how these quilts speak to us!)  She seemed to be the epitome (at least in my head) of fun quilters everywhere, always ready with pins in her mouth and tape measure ready:

The Drawing

You know the process........a new package of Steam a Seam ready and able, plus scissors handy!

Little by little, I just plugged away:

I LOVE to get to the end's so exciting to see the difference between the drawing and finished quilt:


And check out those eyes:

Her eyes

Incidentally, Francine is for sale (as will be all the ladies in the series  - except the renditions of my friends, you understand).  She is 14 1/2 x 18 1/2 inches, finished with a sleeve, dowel and O ring, all ready to hang, plus numbered and personally signed by me.....never to be duplicated!  The first $79 plus shipping takes her home.  E-mail me at if you're interested.


  1. no fair, I want the patterns, will you be making a set of patterns to sell too? BTW I put the pins in my mouth head first. Francine is adorable!

  2. FRancine is a very lovely lady!
    But tell me, does your day have more hours than mine? You are so fast!

  3. Oh boy - I'm happy you have again time to sew! Francine looks most sweet lady and also so funny with all sewing ecuipments!
    Thank you for a lovely moment!
    xxx Teje

  4. I will completely enjoy seeing this series develop. I am still so fond of the Happy Day one you made...I think I have that name right...for Marilyn.

  5. LOVE her! My lady would have one eye open and one eye close trying to find that eye on the needle.. oh and lets not forget that tongue stuck out just a tad bit for help LOL.

  6. Keep them coming! I want to see a whole guild full of your ladies. There has to be one with "short grey hair". It seems that most of the ladies in a guild fit that description. And one that is a little funky, and rebellious!

  7. These are going to be so fun, Carol! If you don't already have a whole gaggle of ladies in your head it looks like you're going to get lots of helpful ideas today about what they should look like.

  8. How wonderful Francine is! Great job....

  9. LOVE her!!! She is just the most adorable sewing lady! Carol, you just made my day!

  10. I especially like the "ribbon" in her hair. Wish I had an extra $79 laying around. Oh well. I can hardly wait to see the unveiling of your swap partner. Love your blog.

  11. Love the lady - it is soooooooo great. It really makes you a good mood looking at - and I feel like sewing :-)
    Have a great weekend :-)

  12. I love the tape measure!! What an amazing job you've done again Carol!!!

  13. you're just awesome, awesome, awesome!!! She's wonderful!

  14. Please please make the patterns for sale too!!!

  15. I love watching how your creative mind works, Carol!

  16. What a hoot! I laughed out loud when I read Anja's comment "does your day have more hours than mine?"

    This is just darling & you have SEW much artistic talent, Carol. I wish you DID live closer...I'd cook for us both & we could sew together. Wouldn't that be FUN?!


  17. She is darling!! Now if you can make a version of her that has black hair with an Asian look, that quilt would of been bought before you had a chance to start on it!!

  18. Lovely!!! And such personality! I agree with the other comments--- make a series of these ladies patterns, package them and sell them---we'd buy them. I'd like to see a quilter with a golden brown tan, a hippy quilter, a punker quilter, even a modern quilter....!! The possibilities are endless---your admirers anxiously await this bevy of beauties!!!! Thanks for sharing, I adore your site, it always brings a smile to my face :)

  19. Sell us the series of ladies as patterns, I'll purchase them.

  20. We want the patterns, we want the patterns, we want the patterns. Did I say we would buy the patterns? I am sure we would, take a poll and ask your readers.

  21. I just adore Toby!! Such a little cutie!! Francine is gorgeous too, you've captured so much personality!! I love all the details, so wonderful!

  22. These sewing ladies are fabulous! I really think you should start selling these as patterns - you are so talented and I think they'd sell well. Have you considered an Etsy shop?


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!