Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Because we have this:

and I can whip up these like nobody's business:

I have been feeling like this lately with all the company and running I've been doing:

So, who has time for sewing?  Then, someone told me that getting a puppy would keep me young.  I wish I could remember who that was so I could "bop" them on the side of the head because last month I surely wasn't taking 2 hour naps everyday!  (That time is cutting into my sewing time too, you know!)  I'm hoping that my family and friends obligations are close to being done for this season.  I know it's been hot, but e-gads!  Enough is enough already! 

On another note, when I can take pics like this of my DD and Toby,  life is pretty good!

DD and Toby

I sure hope you are enjoying your summer too.  Around here, it surely doesn't last too long so I have to take all the advantages I can.  Maybe I'll take a ride to the quilt shop this afternoon for inspiration!  I do have some new ideas!


  1. That wrap looks yummy! I make a cheater wrap that my son really loves, especially when it is HOT out. Whole wheat tortilla. Lay on deli meat (usually turkey or chicken) Then we top it with tomatoes to make it moist. Then top that with some bagged salad.. and sometimes shredded cheese sometimes we skip the cheese to be more healthy. They are so moist with no dressing or butters because of the tomatoes.. and cold to counteract the HEAT we are having.. YUMMY and quick.

  2. That wrap looks yummy! I make a cheater wrap that my son really loves, especially when it is HOT out. Whole wheat tortilla. Lay on deli meat (usually turkey or chicken) Then we top it with tomatoes to make it moist. Then top that with some bagged salad.. and sometimes shredded cheese sometimes we skip the cheese to be more healthy. They are so moist with no dressing or butters because of the tomatoes.. and cold to counteract the HEAT we are having.. YUMMY and quick.

  3. Summer? Where is it? We went from spring to autumn straight away.
    I really envy this giant pool, but it would be wasted in this rainy weather we have. Or as the English say: "It could be more dry".

    Have a good time!

  4. and to think i was going to ask if you wanted to go to the shop sometime soon! guess i missed out; i'll enjoy it vicariously! xx

  5. I love a quick 'wrap' for a meal. I saw a sign in a gift shop just yesterday:
    "unattended children will be given a cup of coffee and a new puppy"

  6. It is quite alright to be too busy with family and puppies to either blog or quilt. Life is good!

  7. Your daughter is so pretty:) Good genes right?!

    What a yummy wrap:)

  8. I agree with Cindy...Life looks good for you!! Lovely daughter!! Toby looks soooo soft and fluffy.

  9. What a cute dog, and the daughter is cute too. Children take naps, so it looks like the puppy made you younger after all.

  10. Wow, Carol, those are a couple of cute faces! Just when we get some moderate temps and sunshine, then it's back to fall already. Wish there had been a stretch of comfortable weather in there!

    Leslie S. in MN
    esclante at comcast dot net

  11. Awwww...how sweet Ms. T. looks holding Mr. T!!! She really DOES resemble you, Carol.
    I hope you get a chance to sew real soon. I know how much you love it.


  12. Carol:
    If you ever want to part with little Toby, I would happily take him off your hands!! Seriously, I have 3 havanese and will never get another breed. You will love them!!

  13. What type of dog is Toby?

  14. Julie, you had a non-reply comment, so I couldn't respond to you directly....you too, Peggy. Toby is a Havanese. He will be 17 weeks old this coming Friday.

  15. ...oh, I wanna go with you! Can you pick me up? New ideas?! Can't wait to see those!


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!