Saturday, September 10, 2011

#10 and #11 are traveling

Since I have no ladies to show you today since #10 and #11 are traveling to their owners via the postal service, I want to show you something near to my heart.  The other day I was blessed with a personalized collar for my Toby.  Jen, my friend, who works at Patched Works in Elm Grove, has a new puppy too.  Hers will be giant sized (maybe medium giant, when I think about it) and mine will stay tiny (I'm hoping.)  A few weeks ago Jen got on a kick making dog collars.  AND, when I say "kick", I really mean KICK.  She was having such fun she eventually made about 60 of them in all sorts of styles and colors and sizes.  Go check out her blog.  What a hoot!  BUT, I can understand!  Duh.....the ladies!  How many have I made?  'Course, who's counting?

Now, I was going to show the new collar on Toby, but right now his hair is so long that you can't see anything around his neck, in fact his leash looks like it is coming right out of his neck so I thought it better to photograph it alone.

Did you note that it's adjustable?  How cool is that?  Just a click and it's together or apart, unlike his old one where I'd have to find a hole to put the little thingy into and with all his coat, that was a real trick.  SO, the whole point is to thank Jen for this great gift for my little guy and to get all of you over to her blog to check out those collars for sale.  

On a different note, I think there is a spook invading my Flickr stream.  Let me explain.  I have a Flickr pro account.  I'm not sure if you can tell without one where your "hits" are coming from or which item is getting the most views in a day, but something weird is going on with mine.  Since August 22nd, this mug rug is been viewed an average of 69 times each day.  Not 40, or 80, but almost without exception, 69 times each day.  So, so far, that is an additional 1242 views since August 22nd and a grand total as of this writing of 1844.  

After 5 Mug Rug

So, I don't get it!  This mug rug is in the Wisconsin Quilt Museum.  It's in their gift shop, for sale.  Can you help me here?  Why is this particular mug rug (not even the coolest one I ever made) getting all this attention?  Does anyone have a clue?


  1. It's cute. It is just graphically appealing in color and design. This is the first time I've seen it, but I would have clicked on it, too. The real question is "Why hasn't someone bought it?"

  2. It is just an example of your wonderful work! The color theory of it is amazing to me (and so many others). Somehow you just "get it" and I do so wish I did..

  3. I'm not on flickr, but is there some way to track back where the hits are coming from. I wonder if someone has "pinned" it on Pinterest. I love to browse Pinterest and when I see something awesome (like this mugrug), I will click over to the source to see more about it. Maybe that is where your hits are coming from. Love your work . . . it's always so fun.

  4. I agree that it could be that someone has linked to it. I have had that on my blog, but it was coming from an odd source. I am also getting lots of hits from India, but that might be from the fact that my niece is a missionary in India, so I figure she's given out my blog address or someone has been "following her tracks".
    This internet world is just beyond my expertise as far as how it can link around.

  5. I love it! I pinned it over a year ago but I am pretty sure those 69 views must be automated, right? or maybe Flickr only counts up to 69 and then stops? Otherwise there would be variation in the number of views. An interesting puzzle!

  6. Yep, I'll agree with the other ladies -- maybe Pinterest or a blog. Since you have a pro account, you can look and see what web sources are linking to you. Okay, that only works most of the time. Sometimes, like if it's a website that has one of those sort by color thingies (don't really know how to explain it better) where someone goes to a website and picks a color that is in your mugrug, it might pul it up and show as a hit. Or if the museum has put it on their gift shop web page or something that would also account for more hits. But it does seem weird that it's always the same number so I asked my husband and he said it could be "web crawlers," which are the search engines doing their daily thing. Even with that, though, he said it should fluctuate some. So maybe you're just a weirdo. :)

  7. Well this is a fickle of puzzle! No clue here.

    I bet that color will look really cool on Toby...when you'll be able to see it. LOL

  8. hmmm....a puzzlement. I have no idea. But you are da-bomb, you know! Perhaps that is why!!!

  9. I'm so glad you like the collar Carol!! Thank you for the shout out. Hangs head...I just can't stop making the darn things. There's always new ones to work on!

  10. This is the first time I see this mug rug, reminds me of dancing piano keys. I think it is fabulous & others seem to agree because obviously lots of people are clicking on it.

  11. That is a pretty great mug rug. Are you SURE it isn't the coolest one you ever made? No idea on the 69 hits front - curious for sure. Looking forward to seeing the wee fellow sporting his new gear!


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