Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Seems I'm confused

Last time I told you that #10 and #11 ladies were on their way to their new homes, right?  Hello!  Then, why did I send the last one that I finished Monday off as #13?  Duh!  I think I am doing too many of these ladies and am losing my mind!  It's time to stop!  Besides, I have again joined the Mug Rug swap.......(my 2nd favorite swap in the world) and I need to concentrate on halloween mug rugs!  First though, I'll show you #11 (Angie) since she has arrived and also another one that I did for the "For the Love of Solids" group swap.  

#11 (Angie) you might also know as Retromama61.  She commissioned me to do her for a special birthday that's coming up.  She wanted something to remember it by, and I am so honored that she asked that I do that "something special".  I hope she likes herself:

#11 - Angie (Retromama61)

Pretty eyes!

I LOVE doing eyes!!!

Actually, this whole ladies series started because of this next quilt.  I joined the Love of Solids swap and hadn't a clue what to make.  Then the light bulb went off and I posted a drawing of an imaginary lady and asked if my partner wanted me to make her.  If so she was to give me her statistics.  Many swappers responded, and luckily, my partner was among them.  Well, I had such fun making her that I continued with the ladies.  Finally, today her quilt arrived so now I may show you, Renee from Nellie's Niceties:

To Renee for the Love of Solids swap

Renee's pretty eyes

I think I'll just pretend that she's #12.  LOL  That way I don't feel like such an idiot!

Now onto a few other things.  I also joined the Bitty Block Committee this month.  When I discovered they were doing bugs, I couldn't resist.  I had such fun making my "lady bug".

Did you ever see funny bugs?

Don't be surprised if I don't change my icon in Flickr to "her".  I think she's adorable!  Cute, but wait until you see the whole "tribe" of them........you'll just have to smile:

E-gads, an invasion!!!

I think googly eyes are so fun!!  Because I thought they were so fun, I had to go back to Joannes to get more when I made this mug rug:

BOO to You!

Bats have to have them too, you know!

So, that's it for today.  I'm having cataract surgery this Thursday on my right eye.  It's been blurry for awhile and when I finally dragged myself to the eye doctor, I was informed that I am legally blind in that eye so I guess it's time to get fixed, as the saying goes!  I've heard only good things about cataract surgery, so I am hoping that I am one of the lucky ones to join that group.  I will be back as soon as I can.  Promise!!!


  1. Oh Carol
    Those ladies are beautiful. The 'birthday quilt' is wonderful. What a special reminder of a wonderful occasion.
    I must say I am a bit partial to your googly eyes too. Those little bugs are adorable.
    I am so excited, I can't wait for Mr Postman to deliver 'ME'.

  2. The ladies are beautiful and I just might have to commission one from you. I made a run to JoAnn's this afternoon. I had avoided it because I lose all self-control. I love fabric. I love gadgets. I love coupons that give me 40 or 50 % off!

    Will be thinking of you for your surgery. May your recovery be quick and your eyesight be restored to better than ever!
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  3. Sew very awesome as usual. LOVE your bugs. And the mug rug makes me wish I was in that swap. DANG DANG cute!

  4. More GREAT ladies! And what a lovely reminder of a "special" birthday - fun! The bity bugs are tres adorable as is the halloween mug rug. I expect nothing less than fabulous whenever I log on to your blog but am always suprised by how happy your creations make me feel so thanks for making sunshine in my days!
    Best of luck with the cataract surgery. Everyone I know who has had it loves how clear their eyesight is afterward. Be forewarned though....you may have wrinkles that you haven't seen before :0I

  5. Both Nellie and Renee are spectacular! Love them! And those are the cutest bitty bugs ever!

    You're gonna do great with your surgery...piece a cake! When you can see again, you're gonna wish you'd done it sooner.

  6. Your portraits are SO amazing! Love them! Surgery will go great - Mom just had both done and she is great.

  7. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. I love stopping by your blog as it's always such a happy place to visit.

  8. You do such an awesome job! Thanks for sharing your projects with us. :)

    God bless and keep you,

  9. Such great work! I always enjoy seeing your projects and reading your posts. My aunt had cataract surgery last year (she was 49 or 50) and everything went very smoothly for her. Sending you positive vibes to carry you through your surgery! :)

  10. Love your ladies and ladybugs. You will be so happy after your cataract surgery. The results are amazing. As I told my doctor - things have edges again. My husband is more thrilled than I am since now we can share so many things that I just didn't really see anymore.

  11. Okay, that lady bug is too cute! I can't help but chuckle when I look at her. All your ladies are wonderful. I feel as though I could identify someone by these pictures. Best wishes for your cataract surgery. I've heard it has one of the most dramatic results of any surgery. It's impressive what you have been able to do while blind!

    Leslie S. in MN
    esclante at comcast dot net

  12. Your quilts are awesome as usual....I love those bitty blocks, so cute! Will be saying a prayer for great outcome in your eye surgery and a quick and complete recovery.......take care and rest properly......

  13. I love the googly eyes on your ladybugs. Will be sending you good vibes for your surgery!

  14. You are so darn good, Carol. Googley eyes!!! Good luck with your surgery. I have heard only good things and many success stories. Imagine how great your quilts are going to look with two good eyes!

    There may be a very long-awaited somethin' somethin' heading your way tomorrow. FINALLY!

  15. Carol, You rock!! Without sounding too gushy, Everything you do is just so fabulous!! Fun, bright, happy and so well executed. Hope all goes well with your surgery.

  16. I hope, all will be fine after your surgery! Can´t wait to see the things you´ll do with both eyes seeing ;o)

    Your ladies are adorable and the little ladybugs make me smile, they are so cute!


  17. I'm so lucky to have received me in fabric form :-) It's all the more amazing knowing that you did this whilst blind in one eye! I hope your surgery goes well; will be thinking of you :-)

  18. fabulous pieces and listen all the best in surgery today..will be saying a wee prayer that you see even more of the beauty that surrounds you

  19. Blogland will be a lot less colourful while you take a little break but we all have fingers & toes crossed for you - that it goes well and you are back sewing asap.

  20. Holy smokes...if you are this talented with only one good eye how much more will you be with two? Amazing.

    Hope all goes well.

  21. Have I told you lately how much I love love everything you do?? Your art is so unique and screams YOU!!
    I took a few moments to utter a wee little prayer for your surgery, that the doctors and medical team will be precise,professional, and work with the utmost caution with your precious eyesight. Our worls is a more colorful place with you in it!
    Gmama Jane

  22. Hope that today is going well after surgery (yesterday). Enjoy a couple of relaxing and then GET BACK TO WORK AND INSPIRE US. okay? Okay!
    Beckie in Brentwood, who loves you and your work, even if I don't know you!

  23. Hope your surgery went well and the recovery is quick.


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!