I think I told you awhile back that I recently joined the QT Swap with a "Backyard" theme. Originally, my plan was to perhaps do a birdbath with wonky birds, but then, as the weather got warmer and warmer, my thoughts went to another medium that I haven't done in ages! When I was a little girl (well, actually I don't think I was ever a ....."LITTLE GIRL", so let's say....... a young girl) I used to love to play with crayons when the weather was warm. (I'd do a lot of reading then too, but that's another story!) I'd get out my coloring books, or just drawing paper and be entertained for hours. SO, I thought why not break out the crayons again? I got to work and drew this:
Can you see the bug? What's better for backyards than bugs, I say! I wanted to make him cute though. After I was done drawing, I made the lines darker by going over them with a fine magic marker so I could see the drawing through white Kona. I cut a piece of fabric the size of the drawing, adding an inch to every side, just in case it wasn't straight when I was done and traced the drawing with a pencil to my fabric. THEN, I took a piece of freezer paper ..............................(for all you who have already read these instructions on a former post, you can skip this part, okay?) and I ironed the freezer paper (shiny side down) to the back of the traced fabric piece. (This is to give the fabric strength so you can color it.) When I was done, it looked like this:
Not impressive, to be sure.........but, we're not done yet! After you finish coloring, remove the freezer paper from the back, and going to your ironing board, lay a thin (cheap) piece of muslin on the top and then iron. You should smell wax........be careful not to burn it! This melts the crayon into the fabric fibers and makes the color permanent.
Next, make a quilt sandwich just like you would for any other quilt, and taking only black thread in both the top and bobbin, outline all your lines with a free motion stitch. (HINT......do NOT lower your feed dogs!! You will have much more control.)
When you are done, your quilt should look close to this. (Except I also added hand stitching, a few colonial knots and a bunch of buttons for more whimsey:)

Did you check out his googely eyes? (I LOVE googely eyes! lol)

Cute huh? I'm not sure my partner thought so though. She didn't say much! Perhaps it was because of the back. They don't look pretty at all with this method, but what can you do?
So, don't all run for your crayons at once now! It is fun and I promise you'll feel like a kid again but most of all, you'll stay nice and cool!!! Have fun, my friends! Until next time..................
Really? Your partner didn't say anything? clearly she's not been around or has an eye problem, I think it's lovely!
I love your creations! I would love to receive this. So stinking cute!!!
I love your creations! I would love to receive this. So stinking cute!!!
really love your sense of whimsy - who cares what the back looks like, I was taught that the backs of items need to be as neat as the front, but that is when you're working on a traditional piece - not such a fun piece as this one!
I find it very poor swap ettiquette when partners do not let you know they received their item or even comment. To me it is just a much a 'swap sin' as not following thru with your swap. I think it is delightful and would be so honored with one of your artworks - it truly is a piece of art.
I love the little details you added! You are so creative. Great job!
I just love coming to see what you've created next. They are so wonderful. I'd love to be lucky enough to recieve one of your little quilts.
I don't normally like bugs, but your little.bug is adorable! Thank you for explaining the technique... I wondered how this was done., and now I know! I would love to try this some day! Thank you!
I think that project is totally ADORABLE and I think you are amazingly creative! I wish I had even one tenth of your creativity. (Have you ever thought about doing a book??)
That is the happiest little bug I have ever seen! I love your whimsy; it's adorable. Since you asked the question, I was thinking perhaps you could cover the back with a plain piece of cloth (white or any color) before you put the binding on. Just a thought. Anyway, your art is to be envied. Love it!
GREAT! the outline gives life to the work.
Very good!
A big hug from COSTA RICA.
He's just the cutest little bug! I know I wouldn't be able to squash him! I'd have you make me a cute little bug cage for him. LOL Love all the little added details.
I love your art work. This is the first blog I followed. I am a primary school Librarian and your art work would be amazing in a picture book. You should team up with a story writer and create a picture book.
Super cute! You've given me the urge to go and raid my kids crayon box!! I might even involve the kids. Thanks for the inspiration x
That's so cute! You are so creative and have such great ideas. I may have to try this - seems like a good thing to do in the AC in this hot weather!
Oh Carol, your catterpillar is so cute. I had forgotten the 'crayon to fabric' technique. Thank you soo much for the reminder.
Enjoy your summer. We are in the negatives here in Queensland (and that is not common).
I've used that crayon technique many times, but never once made anything this cute!
I LOVE your Googly eyed Bug quilt. You are so clever with your wax crayon creations. I do hope your partner did appreciate her quilt, it's marvellous!
I think it's totally adorable. I need to drag at the crayons and give this a try.
I LOVE this!! I soooo wish I was your swap partner! I can't wait to do this with my artsy granddaughter!!
Might have to do this before she gets here. :)
So clever - so artistic - love the idea - and when I think of all the crayons I got rid of as my children grew older.... oh well - an excuse to get some new ones. Too bad about the back - though you could maybe ue a blck backing.. - its not a tablecloth after all - and if your partner hasnt commented maybe she is more traditional - and rude. You can always find soemthing nice to say like "thanks I appreciate all the work you have done on this". we all love it - obviously fromt eh comments.
While I don't luv 'real' bugs, I do love your adorable mini quilt...and given my blog name, how perfect it would be in my sewing room :o) Hope your swap partner appreciates your work of 'heart'!!!
Absolutely adorable!!I LOVE it!! Wish I was your partner (course I would have had to play, LOL!)
Adorable! Who wouldn't love to have one of your creations? I can't imagine. Thanks for the directions. This would make a fun project with my 5 year old daughter. She could draw and color and Mom would handle the sewing and ironing of course. ;).
Love this! I'm surprised your partner didn't say anything. Not to worry. It's so cute.
Your bug is adorable. You are such an inspiration to me. I'm going to try to do something like this for my memory problem...is my cat in or out? Anyway, when I'm making the door hanger, if I do not lower the feed dogs, do you do anything else, like put the pressure on the feet to 0? I love that black outline look!
I love it. The bug can come live at my house anytime. It is a work of art.
I hope I don't hurt your feelings, but this bug quilt is just cute, cute but not anything else. Your swap partner should be grateful even if it appears quite simple. Out of the hundreds of quilts you post, this one is not as "jazzy" as you others. You are a fabulous quilt artist, keep up the wonderful work, even if an occasional rude person (such as myself) dares to give an opinion contrary to everybody else's. I do love your work, and you in spire me to create.
CJT, it is absolutely adorable!
If you're "worrying" about the back, take notes from Laura Wasilowski (sorry if i spelled that wrong!):
She has a technique where the embroidery doesn't show on the back side. And i think all the cute embroidery REALLY adds SO MUCH to your (and her) pieces!
Great piece!!!
I love how your brain works!!
Thanks for this. Great idea!
I just found your blog a couple of weeks ago. I love your artistic style! Art quilts don't have to follow the rules!
i Love Love to color and didn't know I could do this on fabric!? I know, I should already know this...but I didn't. You can bet your buns I'll be doing some coloring!!
Gmama Jane
It is magnificent. Gonna have to try this with my youngest as gifts for people. Thanks for sharing.
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