Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Being that Halloween is tomorrow, I just couldn't resist showing you this picture.  I borrowed/stole/swipped it from the forum that I read everyday.  Can you imagine me dressing Toby up like this?  (I would love to, but I doubt if my DH would appreciate me very much.  Flowers?  Fairy wings?  Not so much!)  I did buy Toby a BEE costume last year at Target on sale after Halloween was over, but I have yet to even try it on him.  Stay tuned!?

I do have another lady to show you though.  #25 lady aka Chris, actually contacted me last February and asked that I make her, but at that time, I was involved in other things and told her that I would contact her when I was doing the "series" again.  Well, that time came, and Chris was excited, which made me excited too!  She was lots of fun!  I loved the fact that Chris liked lipstick, (seems rare lately for some reason), so that I could make beautiful red lips and she liked color!  (Right up my alley, for sure!)  So without further ado, may I present #25, Chris.  Naturally, first the drawing, then the eyes, and finally the wall hanging.

Lady #25 - Chris

Chris' pretty green/brown eyes

#25 in my Ladies series - Chris

And for even more fun, Chris allowed me to show her original photo (minus her son whom I chopped out of the photo not too well.  lol)

So there you have it!  IF you are keeping track, please don't ask me what happened to #24.  Yes, she is done and she is on her way home to Australia, but is a Christmas gift from her family and I'm hoping that she doesn't peek before her time!  I maybe shoulda plastered "Do NOT Open til Chrismas" stickers all over it, huh?  Actually, #26 and #27 are Christmas gifts too, but the "giver" of #26 told me I could post a picture of the finished quilt, with no name, and no original picture because she doubts the receiver will recognize herself.  Ya think?  Would you?  Hummmm??????  So, you will see her next time.

Toby and I have a play date tomorrow morning with a 4 month old Havanese puppy named Harvey, and his mom, Wendy.  We met online and I am so anxious to meet her in person.  I hope they stay still enough to take some pictures!  

OH, to all my friends and readers from the East coast of America.......my sincere thoughts and prayers to all of you.  I can't even imagine what you have gone through with the hurricane.  Stay strong!


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