Friday, October 26, 2012

Lots of stuff........

E-gads, where do I begin?  I have so much to show you that I hope I don't forget something.  First off, I'm going to show you something that warmed my heart.  Remember awhile back where I showed you the project that that art teacher in LA did with his students with inspiration from a quilt I made?  Well, another art teacher used the same quilt as inspiration for an art projects with her students.  Read about Mrs. Smith here.  To say that I'm honored would be a huge understatement!!!  I am blown away!   Who knew that one little quilt would bring on such artistry?  I think it's awesome!!  Thank you both!  I couldn't be happier!

Last time too, I showed you the quilts that I submitted for the Little Quilt, sew, vote, swap group.  Well, this week, I received both my first and second choices in return and they are darling!  For the flowered one that I submitted I got this from Karen (sewgentle).  (I had to take a picture of the wrapping because it was as cute as could be!)

Such a pretty package from Karen

And inside was this cute little quilt which was my first pick.  I love whimsy!

From Karen - LQSVS

Then for the wonky squared quilt that I submitted, this choice arrived on my doorstep from Cindy Sharp.

From Cindy Sharp - LQSVS

Both ladies are such talented quilters and I love their creations!  (Looks like I'm covered for the holidays too, huh?  lol)

Then I need to show you #23 in my "ladies series" - Susan (who lives in Australia).  It took awhile, but she finally got her quilt.  Naturally, I will first show the drawing, her eyes and then the quilt........and graciously, Susan has allowed me to post the picture she sent to me for inspiration.

#23 - The drawing

#23 - Susan's pretty eyes

#23 in my Ladies Series - Susan

And the real, Susan:

So there you have it!  There are a few other ladies to show you (another one which will remain secret because of being a Christmas gift), so once I know they've all arrived, I will reveal what I can.  In the meantime, I am finally working on my pincushion for the pincushion swap.  You KNOW I can't make just one, right???  I love making pincushions!!!  So......have a great weekend, and I'll be back next week!


  1. Lovely quilts you have received! The "pretty lady" series is looking great.
    I love the mice, can see why you can't stop at just one!
    London, UK

  2. OMG!! These potraits are SO awesome! Do you make to order and sell them?


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