Friday, July 12, 2013

Lady #54 (Karen) plus more

Sometimes I really get concerned about shipping my "ladies", especially when I have to send them to places unknown to me in my general geography know........the places you have to look up on a map because you have no clue where it is???  Lady #54 (Karen) was one of those ladies.  Karen lives in South Africa.  Now, I'm not a complete idiot, I did know where South Africa was, but the concept of sending something that far and having it get there in any reasonable amount of time was completely out of my imagination.  BUT.....guess what?  Karen got it in ONLY 3 weeks!  Can you believe?  E-gads, I've had stuff to Canada take longer than that!  Go figure!!  So, my friends, let me present, Lady #54 ......Karen:

Lady #54 - Karen from South Africa

And here is the nice picture she sent me to work from:

And then...........this is the cute photograph she sent me with her quilt when she got it.  (Note the tape measure in her hair to match the one on the quilt.)  Thanks Karen!  I'm so glad you love yourself!  lol

On a different note, I did send Audrey two early readers this week in my decorated envelopes.  I've been collecting so many books to send to her, she is going to need a bookcase by the time we're done, I'm thinking.  lol  Her mom tells me that she gets excited now every time the mailman comes.

This week's envelope to Audrey

That one contained the book, "Diary of a Worm".  (Clever, huh?)

Another one to Audrey this week

And that one had a book called, "Oliver" which was about an elephant being delivered to a circus.

I did find a book about Lalapoosy collectors dolls for my granddaughter so sent her an envelope too this week.  She's a bit too young yet for reading, but loves the Lalapoosy mini dolls:

The dancing frog to Arwen

Then, last but not least, Annie got two envelopes from me this week.  (She should have had at least 3, but one apparently is missing in the mail.)

A puppy in a pot to Annie

I sent Annie her own kiddy pool (along with a few friends.)

It's been hot in California, you know, and I figured she might need to cool off in a kiddy pool.  lol

So, that's it.  It's been a lazy week.  I've mainly been watching the Martin/Zimmerman trial and cleaning up a few things around here.   This next week I have to get going on our annual pool party held here every year.  Pray for nice weather........please!!!  Until then...........


  1. Love your ladies!! You make them so lifelike. You are bursting with talent and I am so jealous. Well done

  2. Gorgeous as always - I see Karen even our a purple top on!!

  3. Your newest beauty is wonderful! That said, your envelopes are amazing too -- not sure which I am enjoying more. They both bring big SMILES.

  4. Love your new lady and the envelopes are gorgeous too. Hugs......

  5. This is my favorite lady so far! Love it!

  6. I think it's so incredible that you've done 54 ladies! Each and every one fabulous! Your little girls are going to be so disappointed when they are old enough to find out that most real mail is not near as fun as what you are sending them! Every time I look at that kiddie pool I just want to jump in with those kiddies!

  7. Love your lady...especially with the measuring cute!

  8. Love Lady #54, Karen! She is perfect. I'm Karen, too, and 54 is my number! Those envelopes are too precious. What a delight to receive in the mail.

  9. She is a perfect match! Beautiful.

  10. LOVE the look on the worm's face - too funny! Lucky little girls to receive such amazing art in the mail.
    Lady 54 is lovely and so like the original!
    Good luck with the weather for the PP!

  11. Karen looks just like the lovely portrait quilt you created. Fabulous envelopes you create!!! Such happy mail you send out. I hope you get some in return. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  12. Delightful...I never fail to smile when I look at all your wonderful creations, Carol!
    Karen's portrait is just as beautiful as she is.

    Tell me, have you considered doing a "SELF PORTRAIT"???? I think that would be great!


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!