Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's been a busy week.........

How about some show and tell?  Since I have had lots of stuff delivered this week, I think that's exactly what I'll do.  Hope you don't mind.  As you know, my friend Annie, who lives in California (but used to live 20 minutes from me), and I exchange arty envelopes on a regular basis.  Here are the ones she's received this week from me:

A WI cow to CA!

An envelope where I didn't know where to put the name and address.....

Sending my WI mosquitos to Annie in CA!  We have too many!

Yoga on the Beach

Off with her head!!

My 10 minute wonder!

Then, to my little ones....specifically Audrey, I sent two books this week.  The first one contained the book, "Eloise's Pirate Adventure", and the second, "A-Z Mystery - "The Missing Mummy".

The weekly envelope to Audrey

More Mail to Audrey

Sorry about the quality of that last picture.  My camera is on the "fritz" and in for repair so I had to resort to my old one for now.  Here is another picture taken with that one.  This envelope went to my granddaughter.  I enclosed some stickers I bought at Target:

For my little granddaughter

Then..........IF you can believe..........I sewed this week.  My QT swap quilt (8 x 10 1/2 inches) was delivered to my partner, but before that, my visiting niece saw it while here and flipped over it and asked if I'd make a bigger one for her little 11 month old since his room is done in fishes.  So the first one is the little one and the 2nd a bigger copy at 14x18 inches.

Under the Sea #1

Under the Sea #2

So, there you have it!  My week (or a partial week as it goes) in a nutshell.....or rather an envelope!  lol  Today I am organizing my brain for our family pool party this weekend.  Too bad our weather will go from the 90's to low 70's by Sunday.  Hopefully, I'll still have some swimmers.  The water (at 90 degrees) will be warmer than the air.

Hope you are enjoying your summer too!  Until next time...........


  1. As always, your talent and whimsy just astounds me!

  2. Great envelopes and wonderful quilts.

    Your design ideas always amaze me.

  3. Hahaha! LOVE the little fishes! The envelopes crack me up. Is there no end to your creative genius??

  4. Hi, Carol....just wanted to say Yoga on the Beach is hysterical! These are too cute.

    Happy Sewing!

  5. Gorgeous envelopes and your fishy wall hanging is beautiful.

  6. Your envelope art is such a JOY! I love the whimsy of your drawings. Great fishy quilts with lots of underwater details. Undersea Adventures...

  7. You have such a great talent for details! Especially in your little quilties. I love both those water backgrounds, by the way. I'm am so thankful for the many many smiles you send to me in the mail! Thank you so much!

  8. Love the Fishes quilts. One of my Dil's maiden name is Fish.

  9. Love it all! Impossible to say which one amazes me most. Your friend Annie is a very lucky girl to have your art on hand, alive!
    By the way.... poor chicken.... but looking so happy, I´m sure it kept the head on!!!!
    I´m quite ready to ask for "myself"

  10. The artsy envelopes are all fantastic! The fish quilts are great! I love them all and you can see the pure joy that you put into each piece. Well done.

  11. The little quilts are just adorable! Love the fish and the way you used different fabrics/motifs to create the coral reef. You should submit some of your envelope work to a greeting card company. You have so many talents, Carol.

  12. Your art is just so fun and whimsy, Carol! Great fun!

  13. You always make me smile. Love your work. Keep it coming!

  14. Your envelopes are wonderful, and the little fishies quilts so adorable!

  15. The fishes are gorgeous - shame about the temperature - but maybe it will be more comfortable - enjoy the party!

  16. Love the fishes !! And your envelopes, of course, too!!!


  17. Oh my goodness, look at those fish!

  18. Hi, Annie. enjoyed seeing your adorable quilts. And your envelope designs are so fun and cheery.
    best from Tunisia,


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!