Friday, July 26, 2013

This will be a boring post!

That is a warning!  Not much new with me, I'm afraid.  I haven't sewn a stitch except finish Lady #55 who is flying her way to Spain as I type.  Hopefully, it won't take forever to get to her owner!  I did make a few envelopes this week and I did shop for more books for my sweet great niece.  Lately, she is not only into the early readers, but is enjoying the "a-z mystery" series that her mother reads to her every night.  I can't tell you how excited we are at the discovery that Audrey likes mysteries as much as the rest of the family.  From little on, most of us have indulged in one mystery series or another.  So, let me start with showing you her envelopes of the week.  Remember that I had our family pool party last Sunday so naturally, she had to have a girl swimmer:

Swimming Girl envelope to Audrey this week!

And then, I sent her the "S" of the A-Z Mystery series named, "The School Skeleton":

2nd book to Audrey this week

Needless to say, I'm not such a good skeleton drawer.  lol

Naturally, I also sent envelopes to my friend, Annie, in California.  I try to make hers funny!  She challenged me to drawing myself with a sign so I obliged.

Self Portrait

Seriously, that is almost exactly how I look.  A bit fatter, I think, but don't tell anyone!  I love red and blue jeans, and I do have red loafers on this exact minute!

Here are the rest I sent this week:

I showed Annie what I do all the time!

Annie in Red

This should be me!


Clip art comes in mighty handy when looking for funny images!

So, there you have it!  I really should be working on a pincushion for a swap.  Good thing I have a few weeks yet.  This weekend, all I plan on doing is making envelopes for Audrey's new books.  They have to be coordinated, you know.  lol  Hope you are doing something you love too!  Until later......


  1. Love all your postcards, they make me smile. Hugs.....

  2. Wow!!! You are such a talented lady! I wish I could draw half as well as you do. love them!

  3. I am so envious fo your talent. What a delightful blog.

  4. Fun! I know that I would have LIVED for the postman if these were coming in the mail when I was a little girl. Your niece must think you are the BEST auntie ever!

  5. I don't think it's boring either. I could have a biased opinion tho. I am on one of the receiving ends. **happy, happy** Love your drawings to pieces!!!

  6. I do hope Audrey is saving all these wonderful envelopes for future enjoyment too. Your art really makes me smile. Nothing boring at all dear...

  7. Not boring one bit!! I adore seeing your crazy creations & all the fun characters you come up with. You are making such fun memories for these girls...not to mention fostering reading while you're at it.
    Yay, YOU!!

    Talk soon,

  8. Wow - have just scrolled through your blog and all your envelopes look so wonderfully bright and cheery! You definitely love what you are doing :)


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!