Sunday, January 19, 2014

Books, etc.

Hi!  I've had a busy week.  I finally finished my mini quilt for the "SNOW" QT swap (which I'll be showing you next week) and I must admit that it was a hard one to send off.  The requirements require the quilt to be within 6x6 to 12x12 inch perimeters, so the one I made at 7 1/2 by 10 1/2 fit perfectly in the small space by my back door.  Right now I have a mug rug hanging there.  After it was done, I could have kicked myself for not making it earlier so I could look at it for awhile.  Duh!  That'll teach me!  Believe it or not, I even signed up for the next swap titled, "HOUSES" and I already have an idea of what I will do.

Like I told you last time, I have been reading!  Here is my stack so far (with another 6 in my Amazon cart waiting to be checked out).  After I was done taking this picture, I realized that I forgot one that I had finished this week titled, "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn.  It was the only hardcover and is already on my hubby's stack of books yet to be read.  I really enjoyed "Gone Girl", except for the end.  This is one  of the books on my list to read that was made into a movie for 2014 and it should be great!  I'm thinking the author probably ended the book with thoughts of a sequel movie for a follow-up novel.  Who knows?

I also finished the top one on the picture titled, "Where'd you Go, Bernadette", which was probably one of the funniest books I have ever read.  I loved it!!  I bought it on Friday afternoon and finished it Saturday.  (It's at most Target stores, if you're interested.)  The next book is, "Morning Glory".  I remember liking what I read in the reviews, so we'll see. 

Not too many envelopes sent out this week.  It's been snowing almost daily and then I stay home!  Not many post office runs for me, thank you!!  This winter has really been brutal and I hate to think that we have about 2 1/2 months to go yet.  Ugh!  No wonder I'm liking curling up with a good book.

So that's it!  Another week gone!  Hope yours was more exciting than mine!  Stay warm!


  1. Hi! Happy New year! I enjoyed catching up on your blog this morning. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me! Are you going to get a brother for Toby? He is just adorable, by the way. As for books, I like books by Fannie Flag and have recently purchased a couple but haven't started reading them. I loved her book FRIED GREEN TOMATOES AT THE WHISTLE STOP CAFE. Tell me more about THE HAPPINESS PROJECT. It looks like something I would love. Your niece's letter and envelope are precious and it is obvious that she has some of your talent! Hugs and blessings, Karen

  2. Thanks for the book ideas! I'm going to see if my library has them. I recently read "Orphan Train" and it was excellent. A coworker has recommended "Night Road" as a good book, too. I've discovered e-books from our library, which download to my tablet for 2 weeks. I need title suggestions so I know what to ask for, though!

  3. Your envelopes are always such fun! I love seeing stacks of books and shelves of books. I love books. You're a fast reader. Or are you a speed reader? It takes me a while to get through a book. I savoir every word and although I always want to find out what happens, I also don't usually want to be finished with the book. Yes, a good hard winter will keep you snuggled in a good book.

  4. Snow and rain is what we desperately need here. I will share our nice warm sunshine with you. Your reading is a great winter pasttime. I always love your envelopes. Stay safe and warm with Hot Cocoa Hugs...

  5. Looks like a great stack of books! I LOVED Wild! May have to try Where'd you go Bernadette, I have been waiting for a good recommendation on it.

  6. Only 58 more days till Spring!! Sounds better than 2 1/2 months, doesn't it? Hang in there!

    The newest envelopes are darling, as always.
    I appreciate your reviews of the latest readings, too. I could use a good laugh & will go look up several at my library. Thanks!

    Stay warm!!

  7. I'll be curious to see what you think if the Bunkle books - they look like fun.

  8. -46 sounds very cold...
    your drawings continue to fascinate me as does your "Snow" cute.


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