Sunday, January 12, 2014

Branching off...........

See this:

It's a table, right?  Actually, it's my dining room table which has DUST on it....can you believe?  DUST????  I don't think this table has ever been cleaned off long enough ever before to collect dust.  AND.....I sort of like it like this way!  Not the dust, mind you (duh), but the table, cleaned off and tidy.  Sadly, this week will change things though as I promised to do a swap which needs to be sent out by the end of January and I haven't even started it yet.  Bad me!  I just don't feel like sewing for some reason.  Why is that, do you think?  I've been so busy with the envelopes and bidding on ebay (that's another story.......ugh!), that time is just escaping me lately.  Then too, as a New Year's gift to myself, I decided that this year I was once again going to become an avid reader.  I have always loved to read, and have basically kept up with my favorite authors like Grisham, Balducci, Lee Child, etc. all this time, but now I want to broaden my horizons and get into other venues too.  It seems that since I started quilting in the fall of 2008, that I haven't read as much as I used to and I miss it!  There was a time when I'd read over 100 books a year and that was when I was still working.......'course I didn't sew as much then either!!!  In fact, I probably hardly sewed a stitch, come to think of it!

Just this week I read, "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin

Our weather was so awful the early part of the week that when I finally could escape, I hightailed it to Target just to get some exercise and to check stuff out.  I walked the whole store, up and down the aisles, picking up things here and there and ended up in the book section where I think I spent almost an hour reading reviews and story preludes.  I knew I wanted to leave with something, but what?  Then I found that book.  I'm already happy...I mean, probably as much as most, maybe more than many.....I really don't need to be happier, I don't think, but always with a thirst of knowledge, I thought maybe I was missing something.  Besides, with my new "book reading" resolution for enlightenment, it was a good place to start.  Besides, it was a true story....and I usually only read fiction.

I must admit it was good, and made me smile many times, and I have gained some all in all, it was a great book to start with.  But that is only the beginning......ah-ha......Amazon loves me!  ('Course they loved me before, but believe me, they love me even more now since I just placed an order for 7 books for me, 6 for Audrey and 4 for my granddaughter........and plopped another two, for me, in my cart since I checked out last night).  Ugh!  Between that, and auctioning on ebay for mini lalaloopsy dolls for my granddaughter two days ago, my budget for 2014 is down the tubes already and it's only January 12th.  Remember, last time I told you I placed two orders with USPS for over $100 for stamps too.  E-gads!  I need to get out of this house!  It's been a long winter already and all my friends have flown the coop for Florida or other warmer places and I'm all alone.......even my sister and her hubby are gone.  They took a 12 day trip to (can you believe??) Egypt!!  It's no wonder I'm bored!!!

Oh well.....enough of that!!!  I would LOVE to know what you like to read PLEASE, let me know your favorites.  In the meantime, these are the envelopes that you haven't seen yet:

So there you have week in a nutshell!  Hope yours wasn't as expensive!!  Until next time.....


  1. Hi need to buy a Kindle unless you already have one...I have one and I love it but you can also download the kindle app from Amazon if you do not want to buy a Kindle. I always borrow from the library and then I am sent to Amazon to download the does cost a penny..I read every night before I go to bed. I am reading a series from Robyn Carr, Virgin River which I get from the library/Amazon and also Fern Michaels...the Weekend Warriors series..I can send you the list of books if you like....

  2. sorry, I meant to say it does NOT cost a penny....

  3. We gotta do what makes US happy! I'm going to be selfish and hope you don't stop showing envelopes :) I just love seeing them! Happy New Year!

  4. Table tops without dust or any other piles of stuff are rare in this household. Horizontal surfaces are not safe with me around. Love your envelopes. Reading is a good winter past time. I have a nook and read most of their Free Friday selections. I just finished "A Darcy Christmas". Warm Cocoa Hugs Dear...

  5. have you read Marie Bostwick's cobbled court quilt novels? You must. Love your envelopes

  6. You already know I'm working on a quite thick Ken Follett novel...a trilogy. Love how his story telling just sucks me in. Love all your envelopes! Glad you're keeping Amazon in business.

  7. Sounds like you needed a break...but hopefully we will still see envelopes & "Lady" quilts - at least!

  8. I'm currently reading Mr. Churchill's Secretary as well as Nora Roberts latest. We have a local library that is awesome. I go to the book store and see what sounds interesting. Then I go home and see if our local library has it. If they do, I request it and they email me when it's in. I used to buy all the books but a.) I'm trying to cut down on expenses and b.) we are overrun with books. That said, I still love to buy books for the grandsons.

  9. just some boring wp program books (just moved my blog to its own domain and wp format) on the current pile, but next is one on making stuffed animal patterns...yeah, nothing mind blowing

  10. Hahahahaha..."dead butterfly..too cold" upside down! You are CRAZY, Lady!! Totally nuts that you can even think of such stuff. You make me laugh each time I see something you've created.

    I seldom read now either & I belonged to 2 different Book Clubs long ago. I read blogs now & follow links on Pinterest to learn about this & that. I guess that's reading still.

    Stay warm...I saw your weather & its coming my way. Yuck!

  11. Hi Carol!

    Do you know Anne George and her Southern Sisters Mistery books?
    I love them very much!

    And one of my absolute favourite books is by Katharina Hagena: The taste of apple seeds.

    I love to read some german "light" crime stories with a sense of humor, but they are not available in english (yet).

    Love, Anja


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