Saturday, September 27, 2014

Gorgeous weather…..

I think we've been having our best weather of the entire year this week.  Everyday for the past week (and going into most of next week, I understand) it's been in the low 70s during the day with low humidity and high 50's at night.  The trees are beginning to turn colors and everyone is walking around with smiles on their faces.  Life is good!  Tonight we're celebrating with our neighbor friends by going to a local hamburger joint and eating outside on their patio for probably the last time this year.  We all know that winter is right around the corner.  Ugh!

Here are the envelopes for this week:

And then, naturally, I read a few books…….actually, only two:

THE MOMENT OF EVERYTHING            by               Shelly King
RUNNER                                                      by                 Patrick Lee

And I bought a few books this week too:

Now, if I'd only get myself to read faster, I'd be all set!

Enjoy your week, my friends!  


  1. Enjoy the weather and the burger. Love a good burger. We have a little place in our small town that has the best.

  2. Some adorable envelopes! My fave is the mummy. Perfect weather for you! Happy slow reading. LoL

  3. if we could just keep this wonderful weather all winter long.

  4. Hey Carol! I love eating outside..our season for that is just about to start. I repainted my two outside tables this week...can't wait! I have some Off at the ready as well. Have a lovely and loooonnnngggggg Fall season!

  5. Do you ever read on a Kindle? I like the quickness of ordering a book but I still love the real thing. However, I can read my Kindle at night without disturbing hubs with my table light.

    What is the best book you've read in the last month? I'm reading more and find I actually like nonfiction for the first time. What is your favorite genre to read?
    Gmama Jane

    I've also discovered BookBubs with all the FREE books


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!