Saturday, October 4, 2014

Winter is coming…...

It's getting so nippy here lately that the only warm place poor Toby can find is a sun spot in the dining room.  I find him here often in the morning just snoozing away.  What a life, huh?  

Naturally, I sent out books this week to my "girlies" so here are the decorated envelopes that I used:

Then too, I read two books this week only.  Don't ask me what is wrong with me lately.  There for awhile I was reading 4-5 a week and lately it's only been one or two so that's why I decided to take a picture of the covers this week.  By far, the best of the bunch was the one on the right and I have to thank, Jane, for suggesting it.  I really enjoyed it!  It takes place in Wisconsin (my home state) in 1961 and the main character is a 9 year old little girl.  My sister was 10 in 1961, so I could relate to many things in the book and smiled at lots of situations that entered my memories of those times.

So, that's it for this week.  Tonight we are having friends over for cards and games and Tuesday, my neighbor and I will be taking a short trip to visit a friend with puppies.  Thankfully, she has them all sold so we don't have to worry about bringing home anything unplanned.  lol  Hope you have a fun week planned too!  Happy reading!


  1. I'm just getting the biggest kick out of that pumpkin envelope. But the others too are so cute.

  2. Catching up on your fabulous artsy envelopes. I have been gone waaaaay toooo much this summer. Falling into Autumn Bliss...

  3. I can't believe some publisher or editor hasn't snatched you up!! Your drawing talent is professional level and you could make big bucks!! I've never seen anything quite lke it and it makes me so sad that you're not using those mad skills for quilting anymore. What a talent you are!
    I haven't visited in awhile but glad I stopped by for the Halloween envelopes
    Gmama Jane


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!