Saturday, October 11, 2014

Green thumb or just lucky?

Our weather reported that we were to get a hard frost last night so yesterday, I had hubby pull out our two tomato bushes and 2 green pepper bushes and look what he brought in.  What a haul!  You'd think we haven't eaten anything off those bushes yet, but that's not the truth!  Every week for the past 5-6 weeks we've had a dinner of BLTs.  Yum!  And I've given 8 green peppers away before this crop even showed up.  Amazing!  Now, hopefully, those green tomatoes ripen.

And, of course, I sent out fun envelopes to my girlies!  Little Audrey is all about Halloween this year so I told her I'd send her Halloween envelopes all month.

And, again, I only read one book this week but it was really good.  I sure wish I'd get back in the groove though and read more!  I did start #2 and so far it's pretty good.  Actually, I won #2 through the Goodreads first read program so that was cool.  The book won't be released until January of 2015.

THE BUTTERFLY AND THE VIOLIN    debut       by         Kristy Cambron
HOUSE BROKEN                                              by         Sonja Yoerg

I also bought another two books from Amazon, but I'll show you those next time!  Have a great week, my friends and be well!


  1. Those green tomatoes look perfect for fried green tomatoes with a sprinkle of sugar on top. My farmer in-laws would wrap those green tomatoes in newspaper, put them in a cool dark basement and they'd have ripe tomatoes for Christmas.

  2. Lots of lovely edibles there. Always love your postcards. Hugs.....

  3. I would say that you have a lucky green thumb!!!!!

  4. Someone's been tending your vegies while you were neglecting their existence here in the last hours. LoL Your envelopes are always fun. I always especially enjoy all Halloween time creations and decorations.

  5. Oh, this is a good question I'm asking myself every autumn! But your tomatoe harvest is fantastic!!!! Congrats. Love your fun envelopes.
    Have a happy time and all my best from Austria

  6. We take those green tomatoes and wrap them in newspaper, check them once a week or so and you will have ripe tomatoes through Christmas probably. Taste wonderful. Keep in a dark cool place. Mom keeps her tomatoes under the bed..


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