Saturday, September 6, 2014

Quiet times…..

Wow!  Since school started I can't believe how quiet everything has gotten (and I didn't even have any kids home to start with!  lol)  For some reason, even the traffic is lighter.  And in the grocery stores, you actually can hear a pin drop.  Funny that I never noticed it as much in years past.  OR….are kids just noisier now?  What do you think?

I did send off some envelopes (naturally) and I drew and colored quite a few more for the future too.  Now that I have two sweeties to send stuff to, I have to have quite a supply on hand.

The three of us are still enjoying the process and that's all that counts!!

Then, I need to show you the growing process in my yard.  If you remember, this is what our flowers looked like right after planting on Memorial Day:

And look at them now.  Eikes!  The basil has been snipped by all my relatives and still it's growing like weeds………good thing too because wait until you see my 2 tomato bushes.

Yes, my friends, the photo below is of my 2 tomato bushes………..a bit overwhelming!  I feel like I'm walking in the jungle when I'm searching for the tiny cherry ones.  We're getting a bowl full every day!

And then, I read a few books.  Only two this week though!  I was a slacker.

THE PRICE OF INHERITANCE           by         Karin Tanee
BINDS THAT TIE                               by         Kate Moretti

Both were good, but I did enjoy the first one more than the 2nd and they were both softcover and ones already in my bookshelf.  Yeah!

So, that's it!  Our weather has been wonderful these past few days.  Low 70's with very little humidity.  My kind of day, for sure!!  September is one of my favorite months!  Have a good week, my friends…..until next time!


  1. wow! your flowers & tomatoes went crazy! good for you. love your envelopes as always. I wish I could draw. I would do that for my niece.

  2. The envelopes are so cute and fun and your flowers are so pretty. I tried peeking into your kitchen to see what you might be working on. I couldn't make out anything. LoL

  3. I love to stop by and see what you have read. Do you have a page that lists all the books you've read? It would be wonderful to see your whole list!

  4. Lovely see how well your garden has grown - I too like the "middle seasons" spring and autumn.

  5. Funny thing is I noticed the exact same qualities of back to school and I have none at home or school. Less traffic, less noise, less lines at the market and so on. Wow...fresh flowers, fresh basil and fresh tomatoes are Summer Bliss. Beautiful garden.

  6. Love your envelopes as always...boy your plants have grown like crazy - they must be very happy!!

  7. I must be the odd man out - traffic here is worse since school started. I guess the kids and parents are all driving at the same time. Love your envelopes, and appreciate the book reviews. Thank you.

  8. I truely appreciate your book recommendations. Seems we have similar taste. If only we had similar artistic ability, meaning that I had some. Ha. Thank you for sharing your creations.

  9. Yes, I do think children are noisier but also the whole world is more noisy too. Machines ( especially the coffee machines in cafés!), car and traffic noises, people on mobile phones, loud awful music in public places etc etc. can you tell I am a Granny?

  10. Wow, Carol...your tomatoes & basil did much better than ours this year. I'm impressed!

    The envelopes are darling, as usual. Your creative mind just amazes me.


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!